
In: Computer Science

struct TempScale { double fahrenheit; double centigrade; }; struct Reading { int windSpeed; double humidity; TempScale...

struct TempScale {
    double fahrenheit;
    double centigrade;

struct Reading {
    int windSpeed;
    double humidity;
    TempScale temperature;

Reading reading;    // reading structure variable

Write statements that will store the following data below, in the variable written above in C++ please

Wind Speed: 37 mph

Humidity: 32%

Fahrenheit temperature: 32 degrees

Centigrade temperature: 0 degrees


Expert Solution

Dear Student ,

As per the requirement submitted above , kindly find the below solution.

Here a new C++ program with name "main.cpp" is created, which contains following code.

main.cpp :

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <stdio.h>
struct TempScale {
double fahrenheit;
double centigrade;

struct Reading {
int windSpeed;
double humidity;
TempScale temperature;
int main()
Reading reading; // reading structure variable
//accessing variable windSpeed using structure variable reading
//and assigning value 37 mph
//accessing variable humidity using structure variable reading
//and assigning value 32%
//accessing structure variable temperature using structure variable reading
//with fahrenheit and assigning value 32 degrees
//accessing structure variable temperature using structure variable reading
//with centigrade and assigning value 0 degrees
//displaying values
cout<<"Wind Speed: "<<reading.windSpeed<<" mph"<<endl;
cout<<"Humidity: "<<reading.humidity<<"%"<<endl;
cout<<"Fahrenheit temperature: "<<reading.temperature.fahrenheit<<" degrees"<<endl;
cout<<"Centigrade temperature: "<<reading.temperature.centigrade <<" degrees"<<endl;
    return 0;

Output : Compile and Run above program to get the output as below

Screen 1 :main.cpp


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