
In: Computer Science

The following code is included for the java programming problem: public class Bunny {        private...

The following code is included for the java programming problem:

public class Bunny {

       private int bunnyNum;

       public Bunny(int i) {

              bunnyNum = i;


       public void hop() {

              System.out.println("Bunny " + bunnyNum + " hops");



  • Create an ArrayList <????> with Bunny as the generic type.
  • Use an index for-loop to build (use .add(….) ) the Bunny ArrayList. From the output below, you need to have 5.
  • Use an index for-loop to call each of the Bunny hop( ). You need to use .get(i) to call the hop( ) of each Bunny.
  • Write an enhanced for-loop to display the Bunny hops. You don’t need to use the .get(i) call.
  • Create an Iterator<Bunny> reference variable, and use it to iterate through the Bunny ArrayList with the .hasNext() and .next() to get to the hop().

Display the following output:

+++++++++++ hop in for-loop

Bunny 0 hops

Bunny 1 hops

Bunny 2 hops

Bunny 3 hops

Bunny 4 hops

----------- hop in Enhanced-loop

Bunny 0 hops

Bunny 1 hops

Bunny 2 hops

Bunny 3 hops

Bunny 4 hops

*********** hop in Iterator style

Bunny 0 hops

Bunny 1 hops

Bunny 2 hops

Bunny 3 hops

Bunny 4 hops


Expert Solution

I have implemented the program to iterate the ArrayList using for,enhanced-for and iterator  per the given description.

Please find the following Code Screenshot, Output, and Code.




3.CODE :

import java.util.*;
public class Main{
        public static void main(String args[]){
                //create a array list to store "Bunny" Class object
                ArrayList<Bunny> a=new ArrayList<Bunny>();
                int i;
                //use for loop to store 5 obejcts 
                        a.add(new Bunny(i));
                //use for loop to iterate
                System.out.println("+++++++++++ hop in for-loop");
                //use enhanced for loop to iterate
                System.out.println("----------- hop in Enhanced-loop");
                for (Bunny b:a)
                //create a iterator
                 Iterator<Bunny> itr=a.iterator();
                 System.out.println("*********** hop in Iterator style");
                 //iterate using iterator

public class Bunny {

       private int bunnyNum;

       public Bunny(int i) {

              bunnyNum = i;


       public void hop() {

              System.out.println("Bunny " + bunnyNum + " hops");



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