
In: Operations Management

Hiring by race. Please state your opinion and back it up thoroughly to BOTH statements. Statement...

Hiring by race. Please state your opinion and back it up thoroughly to BOTH statements. Statement 1. Hiring by race allows for a more diverse workplace. Statement 2. Race should never be a factor in any hiring or school decision.


Expert Solution

1. Companies are understanding the value of recruiting and retaining diverse employees all the more , as these employees play an important role in a company’s ability to adapt, grow and sustain a competitive advantage in the modern business environment.

Some companies still do not recognize the benefits of having a racially and ethnically diverse workforce base. Factors like prejudice and stereotypes towards certain racial or ethnic groups, whether conscious or unconscious, can lead to discrimination in hiring process.

Hence, to combat prejudice and internal resistance, companies need outline the benefits of a racial and ethnically diverse place of work such as reduction in turnover costs, lesser internal disputes and grievances, increased productivity and revenue, more innovation, efficient risk management, better social cohesion etc.

Companies will more likely reap these benefits when they go beyond meeting the minimum requirements for legal compliance. Companies should understand the social and cultural complexities involved in embracing diversity and strive to be leaders of diversity in their industry.

2. There is little doubt, that race has nothing to do with intellect and that all people should have access to avenues to explore their potential. School and colleges provide a lot more than intellectual preparation when their campuses house students from different backgrounds.

In this stratified society, schools and colleges can be the place for social change by forging bonds among students that transcend race or class, and thus admissions should make sure that this mix is achieved.

In a related survey on the same, only 7 percent of Americans believe that race or ethnicity should be a major factor in school and college admission decisions, and 19 percent believe it should be a minor factor. Nearly 73 percent of Americans are of the that race or ethnicity should not be a factor.

Giving admissions in schools and institutions on the basis of race is against the very basic civil rights principles, which are that a person's race and ethnicity should not be something to be used to harm him in life nor help him in life.

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