
In: Computer Science

13. The class bankAccount stores a bank customer’s account number and balance. Suppose that account number...

13. The class bankAccount stores a bank customer’s account number and balance. Suppose that account number is of type int, and balance is of type double. This class provides the following operations: set the account number, retrieve the account number, retrieve the balance, deposit and withdraw money, and print account information.

b. The class  checkingAccount from the class bankAccount (designed in part a). This class inherits members to store the account number and the balance from the base class. A customer with a checking account typically receives interest, maintains a minimum balance, and pays service charges if the balance falls below the minimum balance. This class provides the following operations: set interest rate, retrieve interest rate, set minimum balance, retrieve minimum balance, set service charges, retrieve service charges, post interest, verify if the balance is less than the minimum balance, write a check, withdraw (override the method of the base class), and print account information.

c. Yours for definition and implementation :

Every bank offers a savings account. Derive the class savingsAccount from the class bankAccount (designed in part a). This class inherits members to store the account number and the balance from the base class. A customer with a savings account typically receives interest, makes deposits, and withdraws money. In addition to the operations inherited from the base class, this class should provide the following operations: set interest rate, retrieve interest rate, post interest, withdraw (override the method of the base class), and print account information. Add appropriate constructors.

d. Write a program to test your classes designed in parts c.

the program that needs to be edited is below thanks someone help these are the files I was given have to make changes

//Class bankAccount

#ifndef H_bankAccount
#define H_bankAccount

class bankAccount
   void setAccountNumber(int acct);
   int getAccountNumber() const;
   double getBalance() const;
   void withdraw(double amount);
   void deposit(double amount);
   void print() const;
   bankAccount(int acctNumber = -1, double bal = 0);

   int accountNumber;
   double balance;


//Class checkingAccount

#ifndef H_checkingAccount
#define H_checkingAccount

#include "bankAccount.h"

const double DEFAULT_MIN_BALANCE = 500.00;
const double DEFAULT_SERVICE_CHARGE = 20;

class checkingAccount : public bankAccount
   double getMinimumBalance() const;
   void setMinimumBalance(double minBalance);
   double getInterestRate() const;
   void setInterestRate(double intRate);
   double getServiceCharge() const;
   void setServiceCharge(double intRate);
   void postInterest();
   bool verifyMinimumumBalance(double amount);
   void writeCheck(double amount);
   void withdraw(double amount);
   void print() const;

   checkingAccount(int acctNumber, double bal,
       double minBal = DEFAULT_MIN_BALANCE,
       double servC = DEFAULT_SERVICE_CHARGE);

   double interestRate;
   double minimumBalance;
   double serviceCharge;


//Implementation file bankAccountImp.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "bankAccount.h"

using namespace std;

bankAccount::bankAccount(int acctNumber, double bal)
   accountNumber = acctNumber;
   balance = bal;

void bankAccount::setAccountNumber(int acct)
   accountNumber = acct;

int bankAccount::getAccountNumber() const
   return accountNumber;

double bankAccount::getBalance() const
   return balance;

void bankAccount::withdraw(double amount)
   balance = balance - amount;

void bankAccount::deposit(double amount)
   balance = balance + amount;

void bankAccount::print() const
   cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
   cout << accountNumber << " balance : $"
       << balance << endl;

//Implementation file checkingAccountImp.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;

checkingAccount::checkingAccount(int acctNumber, double bal,
   double minBal, double intRate, double servC)
   : bankAccount(acctNumber, bal)
   interestRate = intRate;
   minimumBalance = minBal;
   serviceCharge = servC;

double checkingAccount::getMinimumBalance() const
   return minimumBalance;

void checkingAccount::setMinimumBalance(double minBalance)
   minimumBalance = minBalance;

double checkingAccount::getInterestRate() const
   return interestRate;

void checkingAccount::setInterestRate(double intRate)
   interestRate = intRate;

double checkingAccount::getServiceCharge() const
   return serviceCharge;

void checkingAccount::setServiceCharge(double servC)
   serviceCharge = servC;

void checkingAccount::postInterest()
   balance = balance + balance * interestRate;

bool checkingAccount::verifyMinimumumBalance(double amount)
   return (balance - amount >= minimumBalance);

void checkingAccount::writeCheck(double amount)

void checkingAccount::withdraw(double amount)
   if (balance - amount < 0)
       cout << "Not enough money in the account." << endl;
   else if (balance - amount < minimumBalance)
       if (balance - amount - serviceCharge < minimumBalance)
           cout << "After this transaction, the balanace will be "
               << "below the minimum balance." << endl
               << "However account does not have enough money "
               << "to process the transaction and apply service charge." << endl
               << "Transaction denied!" << endl;
           cout << "After this transaction, the balanace will be "
               << "below the minimum balance." << endl
               << "Service charges will apply." << endl;

           balance = balance - amount - serviceCharge;
       balance = balance - amount;

void checkingAccount::print() const
   cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
   cout << "Interest Checking ACCT#:\t" << getAccountNumber()
       << "\tBalance: $" << getBalance() << endl;

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
//#include "savingsAccount.h"
#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
   int accountNumber = 1000;

   checkingAccount jackAccount(accountNumber++, 1000);
   checkingAccount lisaAccount(accountNumber++, 450);
   //savingsAccount samirAccount(accountNumber++, 9300);
   //savingsAccount ritaAccount(accountNumber++, 32);



   cout << "***********************************" << endl;
   cout << "***********************************" << endl << endl;


   cout << "********After withdrawals ***************" << endl;
   cout << "***********************************" << endl << endl;

   return 0;


Expert Solution


The program files for above question are given below with the essential comments and the output....

However in the savings Account class i have assigned the interest rate as 0.02 can change it in the savingsAccount.h file if you want.......

I hope it works for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



//Class savingsAccount

#ifndef H_savingsAccount
#define H_savingsAccount

#include "bankAccount.h"

const double DEFAULT_INTEREST_RATE_SAVINGS = 0.02;          //setting default interest rate  value

class savingsAccount:public bankAccount           //savingsAccount class inherting bankAccount class
     void setInterestRate(double intRate);        //setInterest() function
     double getInterestRate() const;                        //retieve Interest function
     void postInterest();                         //post Interest() function
     void withdraw(double amount);                //overriding withdraw function of bankAccount
     void print() const;                          //printing account info
     savingsAccount(int acctNumber, double bal,             //appropriate constructor
       double intRate = DEFAULT_INTEREST_RATE_SAVINGS);
   double interestRate;            //member variable for storing interest rate



//Implementation file savingAccountImp.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "savingsAccount.h"

using namespace std;

savingsAccount::savingsAccount(int acctNumber, double bal, double intRate)
   : bankAccount(acctNumber, bal)            //calling construcotr of super class and setting interestRate=default interestRate
   interestRate = intRate;

void savingsAccount::setInterestRate(double intRate)        //setting new interest rate
   interestRate = intRate;

double savingsAccount::getInterestRate() const              //retriving interest rate
   return interestRate;

void savingsAccount::postInterest()               //adding interest to the balance
   balance = balance + balance * interestRate;

void savingsAccount::withdraw(double amount)      //withdrawing money from the account balance
   if (balance - amount < 0)
       cout << "Not enough money in the account." << endl;
       balance = balance - amount;

void savingsAccount::print() const                //printing the account information
   cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
   cout << "Interest Checking ACCT#:\t" << getAccountNumber()
       << "\tBalance: $" << getBalance() << endl;

#3. main.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "savingsAccount.h"
#include "checkingAccount.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
   int accountNumber = 1000;

   checkingAccount jackAccount(accountNumber++, 1000);
   checkingAccount lisaAccount(accountNumber++, 450);
   savingsAccount samirAccount(accountNumber++, 9300);      //creating savingsaccount with balance 9300
   savingsAccount ritaAccount(accountNumber++, 32);              //creating savings account with balance 32

   samirAccount.deposit(800);      //depositing amount in the account

   samirAccount.postInterest();         //adding the interest in the account balance

   cout << "***********************************" << endl;
   samirAccount.print();      //printing account info before withdrawl
   cout << "***********************************" << endl << endl;

   samirAccount.withdraw(120);          //withdrawing amount from the account balance

   cout << "********After withdrawals ***************" << endl;
   samirAccount.print();      //printing account info after withdrawl
   cout << "***********************************" << endl << endl;

   return 0;


Output with code screenshot

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