
In: Computer Science

Can you add more comments explaining what this code does? i commented what I know so...

Can you add more comments explaining what this code does? i commented what I know so far


sem_t mutex,writeblock;
int data = 0,rcount = 0;

int sleepLength = 2; // used to represent work

void *reader(void *arg)
int f;
f = ((int)arg);
sem_wait(&mutex); // decrement by 1 if
rcount = rcount + 1;
printf("Data read by the reader%d is %d\n",f,data); //shows current reader and data
sleep(sleepLength); // 1 second of "work" is being done here
rcount = rcount - 1;

void *writer(void *arg)
int f;
f = ((int) arg);
data++; //increases data by 1
printf("Data writen by the writer%d is %d\n",f,data); //shows current writer and data
sleep(sleepLength); // 1 second of "work" is being done here

int main()
int i,b;
pthread_t rtid[5],wtid[5];
for(i=1;i<=5;i++)//loop to create writers and readers
pthread_create(&wtid[i],NULL,writer,(void *)i);
pthread_create(&rtid[i],NULL,reader,(void *)i);
//printf("looping in for\n");
for(i=1;i<=5;i++)//loop for
return 0;//resetting


Expert Solution

This is standard reader writer problem.for reference , I am attaching below image.






sem_t mutex,writeblock; // These will be used to check if there is mutual exclusion between blocks

int data = 0,rcount = 0; //Data will be written by writer and rcount will store reader’s count

int sleepLength = 2; // used to represent work

void *reader(void *arg)


int f;

f = ((int)arg);

sem_wait(&mutex); // it will put wait condition on reader

rcount = rcount + 1; //increment reader count

if(rcount==1) //allows only one reader at time

sem_wait(&writeblock); //if reader is 1.meaning reader is writing then no one can write so it puts wait

sem_post(&mutex); //send signal to reader ready to read

printf("Data read by the reader%d is %d\n",f,data); //shows current reader and data

sleep(sleepLength); // 1 second of "work" is being done here

sem_wait(&mutex);// it will put wait condition on reader

rcount = rcount - 1; //and it will reduce count and make it free

if(rcount==0) //Now no one is reading,then writer can write

sem_post(&writeblock); //signal writer for writing

sem_post(&mutex);// After all this,again reader can write,so it sends signal


void *writer(void *arg)


int f;

f = ((int) arg);

sem_wait(&writeblock); // It will stop all writer

data++; //increases data by 1 which will be written

printf("Data writen by the writer%d is %d\n",f,data); //shows current writer and data

sleep(sleepLength); // 1 second of "work" is being done here

sem_post(&writeblock);// It will send signal and makes value 1,so that other writers can write


int main()


int i,b;

pthread_t rtid[5],wtid[5]; // 5 threads are created

sem_init(&mutex,0,1);// 0 means it is shared across threads and 1 means it is initial value

sem_init(&writeblock,0,1); means it is shared across threads and 1 means it is initial value

for(i=1;i<=5;i++)//loop to create writers and readers


pthread_create(&wtid[i],NULL,writer,(void *)i);

pthread_create(&rtid[i],NULL,reader,(void *)i);

//printf("looping in for\n");


//All thread will be joined after execution

for(i=1;i<=5;i++)//loop for





return 0;//resetting


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