
In: Computer Science

In python write a program that gets a list of integers from input, and outputs non-negative...

In python write a program that gets a list of integers from input, and outputs non-negative integers in ascending order (lowest to highest). Ex: If the input is: 10 -7 4 39 -6 12 2 the output is: 2 4 10 12 39 For coding simplicity, follow every output value by a space. Do not end with newline


Expert Solution

# Store the multiple inputs for negative and non-negative

# integers into integer using split() method to get a

# list of strings separated by space.

integers = input().split()

# Define an empty list non_neg_int to store all

# non-negative integers.


# Use for loop to traverse through numbers stored in the

# integers list.

for num in integers:

    # Convert the string number into integer.

    num = int(num)

    # Checks whether number is non-negative.

    if num >= 0:

        # Append the non_neg_int list with number.


# Sort the non_neg_int list in ascending order using

# sort() function.


# Use for loop to print the sorted list of

# non-negative integers.

for i in non_neg_int:

    # Display the non-negative integers followed by

    # space in the end.

    print(i,end=' ')

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