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History of Racist Laws in America" and summarize the law Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

History of Racist Laws in America" and summarize the law Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882


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History of Racist law in America:

Racism greatly impacted events that occurred in history, it also currently affects lives everyday across the world.

- It often thought that people of Caucasian back ground feel that they are better than any other race, African Americans are stereo-typed as being lazy, and Mexicans are often viewed as illegal immigrants that found their way into the country. Though these stereo-types may not be correct, this just one example of the racism that faces the world today. Unfortunately, a lot of racism comes from the media either spinning stories to sound as if there was a hate crime or the media often uses the races of people to make a story more interesting than it really was. Everyday law enforcement personnel are placed in a bad light often due to assumptions that all law enforcement personnel are racist. Throughout law enforcement training, individuals receive knowledge about racism, police discretion and racial profiling, how the media will portray anything that an officer does, and how to conduct professional traffic stops.


- Martin Luther King Jr. was an amazing leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement who died in 1968.

- He fought for freedom and equality among the different races.

- Martin Luther King Jr. stated “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

- Although Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for a noble and worthy cause, he was murdered on April 4th due to other people’s strong beliefs that racial inequality was proper and that other races were not as privileged as those of Caucasian backgrounds.

- Unfortunately, even though there is no longer slavery in the United States, Racism is still a major problem today.

- Racism had been a major problem around the world for several years even after Abraham Lincoln gave his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 that stated “all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion.

- Against the United States, Lincoln, 1863, Racism is often thought to be the discrimination against another’s race or ethnic background.

Chinese exclusion act:

- The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was an American law signed by President Chester Arthur that prohibited Chinese workers from entering the United States.

- It was one of the most significant restrictions on immigration in American history and set many standards for American immigration policies.

- It is also partially responsible for the creation of Chinese food as we know it.

-The nativists outcries for the Chinese immigration to be reduced led to the Chinese exclusion act of 1882

-This law prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers for a period of 10 years
-It also prevented Chinese already in the country from becoming citizens.

Some exceptions to the chinese exclusion act:

-The act still allowed a few Chinese to enter the country, including merchants, diplomats, teachers, students, and relatives of existing citizens.
-But the act did what it was supposed to do, immigration from China fell from 40,000 people in 1882 to 279 two years later.

Some Chinese manage to evade the law:

-By using forged documents and false names
-In response, federal officials developed tougher procedures for processing Asian immigrants
-They also decided to replace the immigrant-processing center in San Francisco with a new, more secure facility located on Angel Island.

Asian groups immigrated to the U.S. as:

-The Chinese exclusion act created a shortage of farm laborers.
-Large-scale farmers looked to Japan, Korea, and the Philippines for workers.
-Many first emigrated to work on Hawaiian sugar plantations
-They came to the U.S. through Angel island to work in orchards, vineyards, and on farms in California, Oregon, and Washington.

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