Examples - Documenting source information in "Note form"
Tom Shachtman, Absolute Zero and the Conquest of Cold
(Houghton Mifflin, 1999), p. 35.
Website (using semicolons to group like information
United States; Dept. of Commerce; Census Bureau; Manufacturing,
Mining, and Construction Statistics; Housing Units Authorized
by Building Permits; US Dept. of Commerce, 5 Feb. 2008; table
MLA documentation for tables, figures, and examples
MLA provides three designations for document illustrations:
tables, figures, and examples (see specific sections below).
- Refer to the table and its corresponding numeral in-text. Do
not capitalize the word table. This is typically done in
parentheses (e.g. "(see table 2)").
- Situate the table near the text to which it relates.
- Align the table flush-left to the margin.
- Label the table 'Table' and provide its corresponding Arabic
numeral. No punctuation is necessary after the label and number
(see example below).
- On the next line, provide a caption for the table, most often
the table title. Use title case.
- Place the table below the caption, flush-left, making sure to
maintain basic MLA style formatting (e.g. one-inch margins).
- Below the title, signal the source information with the
descriptor "Source," followed by a colon, then provide the correct
MLA bibliographic information for the source in note form (see
instructions and examples above). Use a hanging indent for lines
after the first. If you provide source information with your
illustrations, you do not need to provide this information on the
Works Cited page.
- If additional caption information or explanatory notes is
necessary, use lowercase letters formatted in superscript in the
caption information or table. Below the source information, indent,
provide a corresponding lowercase letter (not in superscript), a
space, and the note.
- Labels, captions, and notes are double-spaced.
Table Example
In-text reference:
In 1985, women aged 65 and older were 59% more likely than men
of the same age to reside in a nursing home, and though 11,700 less
women of that age group were enrolled in 1999, men over the same
time period ranged from 30,000 to 39,000 persons while women
accounted for 49,000 to 61,500 (see table 1).
Table reference:
Table 1
Rate of Nursing Home Residence among People Age 65 or Older, by
Sex and Age Group, 1985, 1995, 1997, 1999a