
In: Computer Science

Cancer is so prevalent in our society that we can often gloss over commercials that focus...

  1. Cancer is so prevalent in our society that we can often gloss over commercials that focus on their treatment. Your task this week is to find a commercial for a commercially available drug meant to treat any type of cancer (meaning whatever type of cancer you want).

    . use a video that has HTML available for embedding. (or cannot figure out how to embed the video) a link is acceptable


Expert Solution

if the person suffer from cancer, the doctor recommends for chemotherapy as part of the treatment, the cells in the body cells in the body grow and divide as part of the normal cell of cycle, the cell's nuclear control this process inside each nucleas genetic material called DNA contains the instructions for directing this process sometimes the cells DNA become damaged normally the DNA responds by either preparing itself or instructing the cell to die, In cancer howerever the parts of the cells DNA that directs cell division become damaged when these sections are damages the DNA is unable to repair itself or cause the cell to die instead the unrepaired DNA cause the cell to grow and divide uncontrollably into more damaged cells called cancer cells. a tumor forms as the cancer cells multiply and displace the normal cells. As tumor enlarges it develops its own blood supply since cancer cells do not stick together as well as normal cells. they may break away and enter a nearby blood vessel. cancel cells in blood vessels may travel to other areas of your body and form additional tumors. this is called metastasis additional tumors may form in area such as the lungs, liver and bones. another way may cancer spread to other areas of your body is through your lymphatic system. cancel cells may enter Lmph vessels near the tumor and then travel to small glends called lymph nodes. if the cell passes through the nodes they may continue to travel you lymphatic system and form additional tumors.

Chemotheraphy drugs work by targeting fast growing and reproducing cells characteristics common to cancer cells. the tumors shrinks as the cells stop dividing and die. most chemotherapy drugs works systemically as they travel through your body in your bloodstream as they circulated the drugs damaged metastatic cancer cells in other organs, unfortunately chemotherapy drugs cannot tell the difference between fast-growing normal cells and cancer cells as a result drugs also damage or irritate some of your fast-growing cells such as those in your bone marrow digestive system and hair follicles.

Death irritation or damage of these normal cells produces side effect such as a weekend immune system, nausear and hair loss. the goal of chemotherapy is to reduce or eliminate cancer cells in the original tumor and any sites of metasis. In additional to being a primary cancer treatment doctor often use chemotherapy as a secondary treatment before or doing after other primary treatment such as radiation therapy or surgical excision of a tumor. Depending on the location and type of cancer you may receive chemotherapy drugs intended to circulated throughout your body including pills capsules or ligquids taken orally and intravenus or intramuscular injections alternatively you may receive drugs delivered only to the area of the tumor one local method deliver drugs to you bladder or chest through narrow tubes called catheters. another local method injects drugs into the carebrospinal fluid surroundings your brain and spinal Cord. a third local method places slowly dissolving wafers a tumor was removed.

In most cases will receive a number of different chemotherapy drugs to increase their effectiveness, may receive chemotherapy treatments spread out over a period of weeks or months this allows your body to recover between treatments and to kill as many cancer cells as possible. the common side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, nausea, decreased appetite, fatigue, anemia, bruising and diarrhea. it is important to rest, eat nutrition food and take medications prescribed by doctor to reduce or minimize these effects.

The most commercial drugs available to treat any type cancer are chemotherapy drugs, sharing the video which will help to understand more about chemotherapy vs cancer.

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

how chemotherapy works for cancer:

<iframe width="853" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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