
In: Nursing

1. Calculate the NET VO2 for someone walking on a treadmill at 3.5 mph and a...

1. Calculate the NET VO2 for someone walking on a treadmill at 3.5 mph and a 12% grade.

What is 80% of this person's VO2reserve?

2. What is the predicted VO2 for 62 kg man cycling at a resistance of 147 watts. You must show all your work for full credit.

3. Why do exercise scientist have objective criteria to see whether a true VO2 max was reached? List/name at least 4 of the criteria that must be met for a TRUE VO2max test. What is it called when the criteria is not met?


Please give a general description of the differences between two component models vs. multi-component models for estimating body composition. Ex: what components do they look at? Is one preferred over the other? Why should we care about the components that are being measured?


Expert Solution

1. Calculate the NET VO2 for someone walking on a treadmill at 3.5 mph and a 12% grade. What is 80% of this person's VO2reserve?

• 1. Convert speed in mph to m.min (3.5 x 26.8= 93.8) 1 mph= 26.8 meters per minute

• 2. Calculate horizontal component. H = speed (m.min) x 0.1 (93.9 x 0.1 = 9.38

• 3. Calculate vertical component: V= grade (decimal) x speed x 1.8 (.12 x 93.8 x 1.8= 20.26

• 4. Calculate total VO2 by adding H, V, and R (resting) components: VO2= H + V + R (9.38 + 20.26 + 3.5)= 33.14

• Convert VO2 to METS by dividing by 3.5:    (33.14 /3.5 = 9.46 METS

What is 80% of this person's VO2reserve?

The formula used to calculate the percentage of VO2R (%VO2R) = (VO2peak – VO2rest) (intensity fraction% in decimal ) + VO2rest

VO2peak =33.14ml/kg/mt

Vo2 at rest =3.5ml/kg/mt

Percentage of VO2R (%VO2R) =(33.14-3.5) 0.80 +3.5 = 23.71+3.5=27.21ml/kg/mt

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