
In: Physics

three charges are placed on the corners of an equilateral triangle with side lenght L. calculate...

three charges are placed on the corners of an equilateral triangle with side lenght L. calculate the force on the bootom right charge. Record your answer as a vector in i,j,k. your answer should be in term of k,L and Q


Expert Solution

Magnitude of force on Q1 due to Q3 = F₁₃ = k*Q1*Q3/1.3²

Magnitude of force on Q1 due to Q2 = F₁₂ = k*Q2*Q1/1.3²

Now you must add up the components in vector form:
Fx = F₁₂cos(60°) - F₁₃cos(60°)
Fy = F₁₂sin(60°) + F₁₃sin(60°)
60° because it's an equilateral triangle. You'll notice the signs of the forces - both F₁₂ and F₁₃ are negative, and only the x-component of the F₁₃ force is positive.

F₂₁ = k*Q2*Q1/1.3²
F₂₃ = k*Q2*Q3/1.3²

Fx = -F₂₁cos(60°) - F₂₃
Fy = -F₂₁sin(60°)
F₂₁ is negative, which means it's an attractive force, so Q1 is pulling Q2 in the positive x-direction and the positive y-direction. F₂₃ is positive, which means it's repulsive, so Q3 is pushing Q2 in the negative x-direction.

F₃₁ = k*Q3*Q1/1.3²
F₃₂ = k*Q3*Q2/1.3²

Fx = F₃₁cos(60°) + F₃₂
Fy = -F₃₁sin(60°)
F₃₁ is negative, and Q1 pulls Q3 in the negative x-direction, but the positive y-direction. F₃₂ is positive, and Q2 pushes Q3 in the positive x-direction.

To determine magnitude of the net force on a particle, F = sqrt(Fx²+Fy²), while direction is θ=arctan(Fy/Fx).

Make sure you convert µC into Coulombs before you get started.

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