
In: Computer Science

Write a Python program,, that inputs a string of characters which represent a vanity telephone...

Write a Python program,, that inputs a string of characters which represent a vanity telephone number, e.g., 800-MYPYTHON, and prints the all numeric equivalent, 800-69798466.

You should implement this using a loop construct to process each character from left to right. Build a new string that is the all numeric equivalent and then print the string.


Expert Solution

I have attached the screenshot for both code and output.


#Taking input
number=input("Enter the phone number\n")

#Looping through the string
for i in number:
#If character is alphabet then convert it to numeric
if i.isalpha():
if ord(i)<=67:
elif ord(i)<=70:
elif ord(i)<=73:
elif ord(i)<=76:
elif ord(i)<=79:
elif ord(i)<=83:
elif ord(i)<=86:
elif ord(i)<=90:
#Else print as it is


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