
In: Computer Science

Show the first eight words of the AES key expansion for a 128-bit key of all...

Show the first eight words of the AES key expansion for a 128-bit key of all ONES


Expert Solution

W0 = ff ff ff ff

W1 = ff ff ff ff

W2 = ff ff ff ff

W3 = ff ff ff ff

calculating W4

i = 4, temp = Wi-1 = W3 = ffffffff

RotWord(temp) = ffffffff (rotation)

SubWord(RotWord(temp)) = 16161616 (S-box )

Rcon[4/4] = 01000000 (round constant table)

XORing SubWord withRcon[4/4] :

temp =16161616 XOR 01000000

= 17161616

XORing W4-4 with temp we get W4 ,

W4 = W0 XOR temp

= ffffffff XOR 17161616

= e8 e9 e9 e9

Next three keys are calculated like above by XORing with 0xffffffff.

=> W5 = 17 16 16 16

=> W6 = e8 e9 e9 e9

=> W7 = 17 16 16 16

Calculating W8

i = 8, temp = Wi-1 = W7 = 17161616

RotWord(temp) = 16161617

SubWord(RotWord(temp)) = 474747f0 (S-box table)

Rcon[8/4] = 02000000 (round constant table)

XORing SubWord withRcon[8/4] :

temp = 474747f0 XOR 02000000

= 454747f0

XORing W8-4 with temp we get W8

W8 = W4 XOR temp

= e8e9e9e9 XOR 454747f0

= ad ae ae 19

Next three keys are calculated like above by XORing with appropriate previous values

=> W9 = ba b8 b8 0f

=> W10 = 52 51 51 e6

=> W11 = 45 4747 f0

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