
In: Computer Science

Telephone is a classic kids game where the first person in line is told a message....

Telephone is a classic kids game where the first person in line is told a message. That person whispers the word to the one next to them, and so on. The last person in line then announces the message as they understand it.

Describe this game as a networking protocol in terms of the OSI model. Be specific, and include whatever layers you see as important.

How could you change the protocol (and ruin the game) to ensure that the message reached the destination unaltered? Again, answer this in terms of the OSI layers.


Expert Solution

First of all understand the term Network Protocol and OSI model by which you will easily get your answer by this explanation.

What is Netwrok Protocol ?

In networking, a prtocol is set of rules for formatting and processing data. Network protocols are like a common language for computers. The computers within a network may use vastly different software and hardware; however the use of protocols enables them to communicate with each other regardless.

What is OSI model ?

The Open System Interconnection (OSI) model is conceptual model created by the International Organization using standard protocols. In plain english, the OSI model provides a standard for computer systems to be able to communicate with each other.

1. Describe this game as a networking protocol in terms of the OSI model. Be specific, and include whatever layers you see as important.

Standardized protocols are like a coomon language that computers can use, similar to how two people from different parts of the world not understand each other's native languages, but they can communicate using a shared third lanuage. If one computer uses the Internet Protocol (IP) and a second computer does as well, they will be able to communicate.

This the image showing the OSI model 7 layers that are very helpful fr communiccate your message from one end to another.

From this image we can only use three layers because for our explanation about the game these three kayers are sufficent to explain.

Session Layer :

This layer responsible for opening and close communication between the two devices. The time between when he communication is opened and closesd is known as the session. The session layer ensures that the session stays open long enough to transfer all the data being exchanged, and then promptly closes the session in order to avoid wasting resources.

Transport Layer :Layer 4 is responsible for end-to-end communication between the two devices. This includes taking data from the session and breaking it up into chunks called segments before sending it to the layer 3. The transport layer on the receiving device is responsilbe for reassembling the segments into data the session layer can consume.

Netwrork Layer : The network layer is responsible for the faciliating data between two diiferent netwroks. If the two devices communicating are on the same network, then the network layer is unnecessary. The network layer also finds the best physical path for the data to reach its destination; this is known as routing.

2. How could you change the protocol (and ruin the game) to ensure that the message reached the destination unaltered? Again, answer this in terms of the OSI layers.

This we be handled by the Data Link Layer because if I cahnge the protocol to ensure that the mesaage reaches then the destination unaltered is it that so because the IP address understandable layer, which helps you to define logical addressing so that any endpoint should be identified by the layer. The layer also helps you implement routing packets through network. It helps you to define the best path, ehich allows you to take data from the source to the destination.

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