
In: Operations Management

Public Personnel Administration: Discuss the importance of leadership and ethics training in the public sector.

Public Personnel Administration: Discuss the importance of leadership and ethics training in the public sector.


Expert Solution

Leadership and ethics are important component of job in all types of jobs. Organizations conduct special training in leadership and ethics to inculcate these traits in their employees. Importance of training in public sector is discussed below:

Importance of leadership training

1. Public sector is highly bureaucratic where promotions are carried out as per laid procedure based on seniority. It makes them devoid of people leading them who possess exemplary leadership skills. Therefore, managers in public sector must be trained in leadership so that they lead scientifically.

2. Public sector organizations are often known for unproductive work atmosphere. It is basically due to leader with motivating ability. In this context it is highly required that public sector organizations must organize leadership trainings.

3. Important policies of any country are based on the work of public sector organizations; similarly, the responsibility of executing policy lies with public sector employees. Public sector employees must be led by people whom possess skills to manage huge workforce to carry out these works efficiently. Therefore managers must have to be trained in leadership skills.

Importance of ethics training

1. Public sector organizations are widely known for its inefficiency, red tapism, corruption etc. These characteristics have synonymous with all public sector firms. In order to eliminate these traits public sector employees must be imparted training in ethics.

2. a large section of country’s poor and vulnerable population is dependent on public sector organizations for their routine problems. These groups are vulnerable to be cheated by public sector organizations. Therefore, employees must be trained in ethics to help these large groups of people and to ensure smooth execution of policy.

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