
In: Computer Science

In PowerShell ISE create a script. Use the text file “its3410Users.txt” (found on Canvas) and import...

In PowerShell ISE create a script.

Use the text file “its3410Users.txt” (found on Canvas) and import the users into your domain controller. The user file has a first name, last name, and department. Using this information, create users with the following specifications:

  • Username will be first name.last name
  • User Principal Name will be first name.last [email protected]
  • The department signifies the OU that the user will be placed into
    • If the department does not exist, create it
  • Fill in the first name, last name, and display name fields in the user record
  • Force the user to change the password on logon
  • Have the account enabled
  • Default password for all users will be “Ch@nge123Me!”


Expert Solution

I have used powershell 2.0.

$datas = Get-Content –Path C:\ its3410Users.txt 
$passwrd = “Ch@nge123Me!”
foreach ($data in $datas){
$firstname = $data.firstname
$lastname = $data.lastname
$username = $firstname + “.” +$lastname
$user_principal_name =$username + “
$partial_data = $username + “,” + $user_principal_name
if ( $department –eq  'OU' ){
$user = $partial_data + “,OU”
if ( $department -eq NULL ){
$user = $partial_data + “,NA” 
if ( $login_attempt){
Write-Verbose "Change Password"
$datas = Get-Content –Path C:\ its3410Users.txt 
$passwrd = “Ch@nge123Me!”
foreach ($data in $datas){
$firstname = $data.firstname
$lastname = $data.lastname
$username = $firstname + “.” +$lastname
$user_principal_name =$username + “
$partial_data = $username + “,” + $user_principal_name
if ( $department –eq  'OU' ){
$user = $partial_data + “,OU”
if ( $department -eq NULL ){
$user = $partial_data + “,NA” 
if ( $login_attempt){
Write-Verbose "Change Password"

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