
In: Computer Science

C# - count =0; - Create a 2d array "items". string[,] items = new string[100, 4];...


- count =0;
- Create a 2d array "items".
string[,] items = new string[100, 4];

- Create a do while loop, when the user enters "0", stop the loop.
- Users enter the item name, price, quantity, save this info and subtotal to array.
- increase "count++"

-convert price(decimal, Convert.ToDecimal() ) and quantity(int) to do multiplication
for subtotal

- create a for loop (with count ) to cycle through the "items", display item name, price, quantity,
and subtotal.
accumulate subtotal

- Display total items, subtotal, total at the end.


string[,] items = new string[100, 4];
int i, j, count;

/* input each array element's value */
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

items[i,0] = Console.ReadLine("Enter Item Name: ");

if items[i,0] == "0"

items[i,1] = Console.ReadLine("Enter Item Price: ");
items[i,2] = Console.ReadLine("Enter Item Quantity: ");
items[i,3] = (Convert.ToDouble(items[i,1])*Convert.ToDouble(items[i,2])).toString();


/* output each array element's value */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
Console.WriteLine(items[i,j], " ");


Expert Solution

Dear Student ,

As per requirement submitted above kindly find below solution.

Here new console application in C# is created using visual studio 2019 with name "_2DArray". This application contains a class with name "Program.cs".Below is the details of this class.

Program.cs :

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
//application namespace
namespace _2DArray
class Program //C# program
//main() method
static void Main(string[] args)
//Create a 2d array "items".
string[,] items = new string[100, 4];
//declaring variables
int i = 0, count = 0;
double subtotal = 0;
//do while loop,
//asking user item name
Console.Write("Enter Item Name: ");
//reading item name
String itemName = Console.ReadLine();
//checking item name
if (itemName == "0")
//if item name is 0 then break the loop
//increment count
items[i, 0] = itemName;
//asking item price
Console.Write("Enter Item Price: ");
items[i, 1] = Console.ReadLine();//reading item price
//asking item quantity
Console.Write("Enter Item Quantity: ");
items[i, 2] = Console.ReadLine();//reading quantity

items[i, 3] = (Convert.ToDouble(items[i, 1]) * Convert.ToDouble(items[i, 2])).ToString();
subtotal = subtotal + Convert.ToDouble(items[i, 1]) * Convert.ToDouble(items[i, 2]);
} while (i < 100);
//using for loop display details
/* output each array element's value */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
//display details
Console.WriteLine("Item Name :" + items[i, 0]);
Console.WriteLine("Item Price :" + items[i, 1]);
Console.WriteLine("Item Quantity :" + items[i, 2]);
Console.WriteLine("subtotal :" + items[i, 3]);
//display subtotal
Console.WriteLine("Total : " + subtotal);



Output :Run application using F5 and will get the screen as shown below


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