
In: Economics

In 250 words describe Karl Marx predicted the downfall of capitalism. How do world events during...

In 250 words describe Karl Marx predicted the downfall of capitalism. How do world events during the past fifty years indicate flaws in his prediction? please type


Expert Solution

  • Karl Marx emphasised the basic importance of the individual or the group of individuals in the economic structure as a criterion of stratification.
  • Social stratification is nothing but the arrangement of society into different layers of vertical groups.
  • He made class the central aspect of his analysis of society
  • He believed that primary function of the social organisation is food,cloth,shelter.
  • Therefoere production system is the class where other elements of society organised.
  • According to him there are 3 main classes according to the means of production.They are
  1. Capitalists-owners of the means of production receiveing profit
  2. Workers-who are employed by owners and receive wages
  3. Land owners -who receive rent
  • He classified the people as
  1. Bourgeoisie -capitalist
  2. Proletariat -worker
  • Petty bourgeoisie are the transitional class from where one group goes up and one goes down.
  • There is an antagonism between bourgeoisie and proletariat.
  • He also gave details about
  1. Class In itself-german an sich
  2. Class for itself-german fur sich
  • Class An sich is the class who do not understand their class position and the class fur sich have class consciousness and the class which is really fighting for itself.
  • Class fursich develops into a dominant class and there should emerge a class struggle.
  • Marx is of the view that communist party was assigned the responsibility of developing fur sich attitudes among proletariat.
  • Marx is of the view that wages will depreciate with time,but the actual is quite opposite.
  • He thought that the capitalism will fall down . But it didn't happen actually the reason for the downfall of capitalism is capitalism itself.people have to compete themselves to live in this capitalist world.
  • His concept of down fall of capitalism is proven wrong by many other thinkers like Max Weber and some functionalists.

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