
In: Computer Science

In Rars RIsc V Write a program that lets you enter a string. Maximum length 50.Then,...

In Rars RIsc V

Write a program that lets you enter a string.

Maximum length 50.Then, perform the sorting algorithm sort it in regards of the ascii values.

Print the string BEFORE and AFTER the sort in separate rows.


Expert Solution

Written these code /program in python:

write program for string of maximum length 50.and also the output i.e. without sorting (before sort)

• sorting algorithm sort in regards of ascii value.

•print a string after sort in separate rows.

#Python code to demonstrate the working of string

#Working of sort string by maximum length of the string is 50G

#​​​​​GetMaximum char fnc.

def get_max(sub):

#Return Maximum character

return ord ( max ( sub ))

#initializing list

test_list = [ " geeksforgeeks " , "is" , " best", "for ","cs"  ​​​​​]

#printing original list

print (" the original list is:" + str (test_list))

#printing result

print (" the list is:" + str​​​​str(test_list))

output: (before the sorting)

the original list is : ["geeksforgeeks" , "is", "best" ,"for","cs" ]

The sorting algorithm sort It in regards of ascii value;

Input : test_list =["geeksforgeeks","is","best"]

Output: test_list =["geeksforgeeks","is","best"]

Explaination: s=s=s<t , sorted by maximum character.

Input: test_list= [" apple","is", fruit"]

output: test_list = ["apple","is","fruit"]

​​​​​​Explaination: p<s<t, hence order retained after sorting by max character.

Code after sorting ;

#above code after sorting the value

def get_max (sub):

return ( ord (max (sub))

test_list = [" geeksforgeeks","is", "best" , "for" ,"cs"  ]

print (" the original list is:" + str (test_list))

#performing sorting

test_list.sort (key= get_max)

#printing result

print (" sorted list is" : + str (test_list))

output (after sorting):

Original list is: ["geeksforgeeks","is" ,"best" , " for" ," cs" ]

Sorted list is: [" for" , "geeksforgeeks, "is" , "cs" , "best" ]

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