
In: Computer Science

q1) Critically assess how the computer monitor image differs from a television image and analyse the...


Critically assess how the computer monitor image differs from a television image and analyse the limitations in creating images on the computer destined for a television screen


Expert Solution

Both Television and Monitor looks like same, physically both work as same. But these two works differently in inside. Generally Television are used to watch Over the Air Broadcast. But Monitors not. Monitors designed specially to works with Computer. But someone will tell “there’s no different between television and Monitor”

  • Computer monitors have very little delay (a few milliseconds) between a change on the input and the display changing. Even high end TV’s have tens of milliseconds of delay. This really matters if you’re playing “twitch response” video games.
  • Color balance on TV’s is “optimized” for watching movies and such - where on computer monitors, true color “correctness” matters more. Generally, to use a TV with a computer - you need to trawl through a dozen menus turning off all manner of “enhancement” stuff. Personally, I dislike those enhancements even for watching television - so I habitually disable them all anyway!
  • Some TV’s with more “exotic” display technologies may suffer from burn-in if you leave the same static display up on the screen for hours at a time. Notably, the image on your screen wallpaper can end up permanently etched into the display as a kind of ghostly pattern. That shouldn’t be a problem for plasma and LED TV’s - but beware with OLED’s and other newer stuff.
  • Often smaller TV’s have less resolution - because you just don’t need high rez on a smaller screen. But with computer monitors, I often deliberately buy a smaller monitor when the number of screen pixels is the same as a larger one so that the image is sharp enough.
  • Sometimes monitors don’t have such good sound as TV’s (although this is not universally the case).
  • TV’s may have inputs like the coax connection to hook up to an antenna that monitors lack.
  • TV’s typically only run at 60Hz frame rates - they may CLAIM to do higher rates - but they usually do it with horrible interpolation tricks that look terrible in computer applications. Monitors that claim higher rates generally really DO refresh at higher rates.
  • Most important thing is computer graphic card will not always compatible with the TV, but Monitor can as I mentioned before Monitors designed to computers. When TV is used to work as monitor we can see each and every pixel but monitor we can’t see in our naked eye.


·Color Palates

·Pixel size are defer (1x Monitor / 1.06x TV)


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