
In: Computer Science

Next Day Cargo Company needs an integrated application with their system that sorts the cargo with...

Next Day Cargo Company needs an integrated application with their system that sorts the cargo with respect to their weight and distributes the weight evenly (if possible) between the given vehicles. Note that each vehicle has a weight limit, and cannot exceed it. But each vehicle can be used more than once during these operations. And do not forget, they want a fast solution because waiting a long time for the algorithm to complete reports will risk their motto, which is “Next Day Cargo”. They require a report which will be used as a work order for workers and truck drivers as it shows the order of load for each vehicle. The report/order will have the following four columns: Number (which will be the loading sequence), Barcode Number, Weight, Postal Code. Our team has worked on API architecture and concluded in the solution given in Figure 2.4. In this API there are two main steps, which are explained as follows; 1. Sort the shipments: We are planning to use merge sort algorithm. Sorting must be from heaviest to lightest. 2. Distribute the sorted shipments to vehicles: To distribute shipments to available vehicles there are some restriction/request as follows; o There is a list of available vehicles, in which a vehicle can be used more than once if needed. o Total weight of assigned shipments to a vehicle cannot exceed its weight capacity. o Order of assignments must be from heaviest to lightest which will be used as a loading order. For the distribution of cargo to vehicles the following steps are considered; • Take each cargo in the given order, • Take a vehicle and calculate the total weight of the taken cargo assigned to the taken vehicle, • If the capacity of the vehicle is not exceed, assign the cargo to the vehicle, • If not, select another vehicle until a suitable vehicle is found. Vehicle and Shipment classes are completed in the API.LoadsOfVehicle and Sort classes need implementations. A sample report is provided in the file SampleReport.txt.
In order to sort the shipments by weight, you will need to implement the sortShipmentsByWeight method in the file. To implement the sortShipmentsByWeight you will need to implement the following two methods mergeSortShipmentsByWeight and merge method. mergeSortShipmentsByWeight will take three arguments, an array of shipments, a start index and an end index. This method should recursively call itself until the shipment has been sorted. The merge method should merge two halves of the sorted shipment. Develop the sortShipmentsByWeight() method in the file to sort cargo from heaviest to lightest. The shipments now need to be distributed evenly among the vehicles. Each vehicle can do multiple transfers and can be used more than once if needed, but the weight limit of each vehicle cannot be exceeded. The first method to implement is distributeShipmentsToVehicles which will return the maximum weight per load for each vehicle. Once the maximum capacity per vehicle has been calculated, the shipments need to be loaded onto the vehicle using the loadTheVehicles method. Develop the distributeShipmentsToVehicles method to evenly distribute weight between transportation vehicles but do not exceed the weight limit of each vehicle. (Each vehicle can do multiple transfers/can be used more than once if needed) Implment the loadTheVehicles method to load the shipments into the vehicles, the total capacity of the vehicles must be greater than the total weight of the shipment. Implement the getLoadReport method in the file to generate a report. Since the load reports will be read by humans and computers alike, it is important that the report format matches the sample report, including spaces.
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author
public class LoadsOfVehicle {
private Vehicle vehicle;
private ArrayList<Shipment> cargoList;
public LoadsOfVehicle(Vehicle vehicle) {
this.vehicle = vehicle;
this.cargoList = new ArrayList<>();
public ArrayList<Shipment> getCargoList() {
return cargoList;
public void addCargo(Shipment shipment) {
public double getLoadedWeight() {
double totalWeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cargoList.size(); i++) {
totalWeight += cargoList.get(i).getWeight();
return totalWeight;
public double getVehicleCapacity() {
return vehicle.getWeightCapacity();
public String getVehiclePlate() {
return vehicle.getPlate();
public String getVehicleDriver() {
return vehicle.getDriverName();
/**This methods generates report for the vehicle and the
* the shipments in it wrt weight (from heaviest to lightest)
* @return generated report
public String getLoadReport() {
return null;
/**This method takes vehicles and their loadings as input and
* generates report for each vehicle
* @param loadsOfVehicles vehicle and loadings array
* @return a report for each vehicle showing loading sequence
public static String[] getReports(LoadsOfVehicle[] loadsOfVehicles) {
return null;
Vehicle Plate : KZ66 ZYT
Weight Limit : 10.00
Driver : John Locke
Loading Sequence Barcode Number Weight Delivery Address Postal Code
---------------- -------------- ------ ----------------------------
1 2147253625 2.000 34547
2 2147043627 0.750 34543
---------------- -------------- ------ ----------------------------
2 -------------- 2.750 ----------------------------
Vehicle Plate : SBG 984
Weight Limit : 20.00
Driver : Down Brown
Loading Sequence Barcode Number Weight Delivery Address Postal Code
---------------- -------------- ------ ----------------------------
1 2147013624 20.000 34546
---------------- -------------- ------ ----------------------------
1 -------------- 20.000 ----------------------------
Vehicle Plate : EKI6 LLO
Weight Limit : 50.00
Driver : Adam Smith
Loading Sequence Barcode Number Weight Delivery Address Postal Code
---------------- -------------- ------ ----------------------------
1 2147313623 15.000 34543
2 2147013628 1.250 34543
3 2147014626 0.500 34542
---------------- -------------- ------ ----------------------------
3 -------------- 16.750 ----------------------------
public class Shipment {
private double weight;
private long barcodeNumber;
private int fromPostalCode;
private int toPostalCode;
public Shipment(double weight, long barcodeNumber, int fromPostalCode, int toPostalCode) {
this.weight = weight;
this.barcodeNumber = barcodeNumber;
this.fromPostalCode = fromPostalCode;
this.toPostalCode = toPostalCode;
public int getFromPostalCode() {
return fromPostalCode;
public double getWeight() {
return weight;
public long getBarcodeNumber() {
return barcodeNumber;
public int getToPostalCode() {
return toPostalCode;
public class Sort {
* @param shipments
* @param vehicles
* @return
public static LoadsOfVehicle[] getLoadingArray(Shipment[] shipments, Vehicle[] vehicles) {
return null;
* @param shipmentsToSort
public static void sortShipmentsByWeight(Shipment[] shipmentsToSort) {
* @param shipmentsToSort
* @param start
* @param end
private static void mergeSortShipmentsByWeight(Shipment[] shipmentsToSort, int start, int end) {
* @param array
* @param start
* @param middle
* @param end
private static void merge(Shipment[] array, int start, int middle, int end) {
* @param sortedShipments
* @param vehicles
* @return
public static LoadsOfVehicle[] distributeShipmentsToVehicles(
Shipment[] sortedShipments, Vehicle[] vehicles) {
//calculate total weight of shipments
//calculate total weight capacity of vehicles
//if capacity of vehicles is not enough add more turns for vehicles
//define return array with extra vehicle turns
//use modulus to add vehicles more than once if needed
//distribute weight to vehicles
return null;
* @param vehicleListToLoad
* @param sortedShipments
public static void loadTheVehicles(LoadsOfVehicle[] vehicleListToLoad, Shipment[] sortedShipments) {
//while there is more cargo to load
//distribute weight over vehicles
//calculate total weight if current weight is loaded
//there is a cargo to load and vehicle has the capacity
//load cargo to vehicle
//If no more cargo to load break while loop
public static void main(String[] args) {
* This main method is a stub.
* It does nothing.
* Feel free to write your own code to test your implementation.
* In this case, we have nothing actionable in here, just this comment block, so the JVM should rapidly lose interest and move on to the rest of your code.
public class Vehicle {
private double weightCapacity;
private String plate;
private String driverName;
public Vehicle(double weightCapacity, String plate, String driverName) {
this.weightCapacity = weightCapacity;
this.plate = plate;
this.driverName = driverName;
public double getWeightCapacity() {
return weightCapacity;
public String getPlate() {
return plate;
public String getDriverName() {
return driverName;
public void setDriverName(String driverName) {
this.driverName = driverName;


Expert Solution

import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.m.*;

public class Sort {


     * @param shipments

     * @param vehicles

     * @return


    public static LoadsOfVehicle[] getLoadingArray(final Shipment[] shipments, final Vehicle[] vehicles) {

        return null;



     * @param shipmentsToSort


    public static void sortShipmentsByWeight(final Shipment[] shipmentsToSort) {



     * @param shipmentsToSort

     * @param start

     * @param end


    private static void mergeSortShipmentsByWeight(final Shipment[] shipmentsToSort, final int start, final int end) {

        if (start < end) {

            // Find the middle point

            final int m = (start + end) / 2;

            // Sort first and second halves

            mergeSortShipmentsByWeight(shipmentsToSort, start, m);

            mergeSortShipmentsByWeight(shipmentsToSort, m + 1, end);

            // Merge the sorted halves

            merge(shipmentsToSort, start, m, end);




     * @param array

     * @param start

     * @param middle

     * @param end


    private static void merge(final Shipment[] array, final int start, final int middle, final int end) {

        // Find sizes of two subarrays to be merged

        final int n1 = middle - start + 1;

        final int n2 = end - middle;

        /* Create temp arrays */

        final Shipment L[] = new Shipment[n1];

        final Shipment R[] = new Shipment[n2];

        /* Copy data to temp arrays */

        for (int i = 0; i < n1; ++i)

            L[i] = array[start + i];

        for (int j = 0; j < n2; ++j)

            R[j] = array[middle + 1 + j];

        /* Merge the temp arrays */

        // Initial indexes of first and second subarrays

        int i = 0, j = 0;

        // Initial index of merged subarry array

        int k = start;

        while (i < n1 && j < n2) {

            if (L[i].getWeight() >= R[j].getWeight()) {

                array[k] = L[i];


            } else {

                array[k] = R[j];





        /* Copy remaining elements of L[] if any */

        while (i < n1) {

            array[k] = L[i];




        /* Copy remaining elements of R[] if any */

        while (j < n2) {

            array[k] = R[j];






     * @param sortedShipments

     * @param vehicles

     * @return


    public static LoadsOfVehicle[] distributeShipmentsToVehicles(final Shipment[] sortedShipments,

            final Vehicle[] vehicles) {

        // calculate total weight of shipments

        // calculate total weight capacity of vehicles

        // if capacity of vehicles is not enough add more turns for vehicles

        // define return array with extra vehicle turns

        // use modulus to add vehicles more than once if needed

        // distribute weight to vehicles

        double totalShipWt = 0, totalVechWt = 0;

        for(Shipment ship: sortedShipments){

            totalShipWt += ship.getWeight();


        for(Vehicle vech: vehicles){

            totalVechWt += vech.getWeightCapacity();


        ArrayList<LoadsOfVehicle> arrayList= new ArrayList<>();


        return arrayList.toArray(new LoadsOfVehicle[vehicles.length]);



     * @param vehicleListToLoad

     * @param sortedShipments


    public static void loadTheVehicles(final LoadsOfVehicle[] vehicleListToLoad, final Shipment[] sortedShipments) {

        // while there is more cargo to load

        // distribute weight over vehicles

        // calculate total weight if current weight is loaded

        // there is a cargo to load and vehicle has the capacity

        // load cargo to vehicle

        // If no more cargo to load break while loop

        // Base Case

        for(LoadsOfVehicle v: vehicleListToLoad){

            double cap = v.getVehicleCapacity();



    public static void main(final String[] args) {


         * This main method is a stub. It does nothing. Feel free to write your own code

         * to test your implementation. In this case, we have nothing actionable in

         * here, just this comment block, so the JVM should rapidly lose interest and

         * move on to the rest of your code.




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