
In: Computer Science

1. make a c++ program that generates a random number 1to 100 using rand(). user gets...

1. make a c++ program that generates a random number 1to 100 using rand().
user gets 5 attempts
stop program when they get it right
find out which guess was the closest to the actual number and print out that they have to run the difference in miles for example (50-30)=20 miles
do not use arrays!
very quick upvote for good response


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    srand (time(NULL));               // initializing random number generator
    int randomMile;                   //variables for storing random mile value, 
    int minDiffMile = 100;            //minimum random mile value,
    int userInputMile = 0;            //user input mile
    int closestGuess = 0;
    randomMile = 1 + rand() % 100;    //generate a random number 1 to 100
    for (int i = 5; i > 0; --i) {     //loop running 5 times for 5 guesses
        cout << "Guess a number" << '\n';
        cin >> userInputMile;         //taking input
        if (userInputMile == randomMile)    //if user guesses the number right
            cout << "You guessed it RIGHT" << '\n';     //print to display
            return 0;                       //return if user guessed it right
        else{                       //else the guess is wrong
            cout << "You guessed it WRONG, Try left: "+to_string(i-1) << '\n';
            //calculation the difference between random mile and and user input
            int diffMile = (randomMile < userInputMile) ? (userInputMile - randomMile) : (randomMile - userInputMile);
            //storing difference to minDiffMile if it is lesser than previously stored value and storing closest guess
            if (diffMile < minDiffMile)
                closestGuess = userInputMile;
                minDiffMile = diffMile;
    //if user guessed 5 times wrong then program has not returned, hence reached this line
    cout << "Closest guess was: " + to_string(closestGuess) << '\n';    //printing closest guess
    cout << "and difference from closest guess is: " + to_string(minDiffMile) << '\n';  //printing diff
    return 0;


Sample output 1 (When user guessed it right)

Sample output 1 (When user guessed it wrong for 5 times)

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