Write a program that generates a random number between 1 and
100 and asks the user to
guess what the number is. If the user’s guess is higher than
the random number, the program
should display “Too high, try again.” If the user’s guess is
lower than the random number, the
program should display “Too low, try again.” The program
should use a loop that repeats until
the user correctly guesses the random number. Your program
should also keep a count of the
number of guesses that the user makes. When the user correctly
guesses the random number,
the program should display the number of guesses.
#include directives must follow header comments, before the
rest of the program.
Variable names:
--must be meaningful
--loop index names can be simple (i, j, k, etc)
--The initial letter should be lowercase, following words
should be capitalized, no other caps or punctuation (ie:
weightInPounds). This is called "camel case".
Named constants:
—use for most numeric literals (including array sizes). —name
should be all capitals with underscores:
const double TAX_RATE = 0.0675;
—should occur near the top of the program (not inside
Line length of source code should be no longer than 80
characters (no wrapping of lines).
--Use 2-4 spaces (but be consistent throughout your program).
--Indent blocks, within blocks, etc.
--Use blank lines to separate sections.
Comments for variables:
All variable declarations should be commented as
int rank; // numeric value for a card, A=1, J=11, Q=12,
Comments for functions:
Function definitions should be commented to describe what it
does, what the parameters are, and what the function returns (when
appropriate). See the template and the example below. If the
function body contains more than about five statements, there
should be comments to describe the various sections of code in the
function body.
// function name: short description of what the function does.
// param-1 description of first parameter (if any)
// param-2 description of second parameter (if any)
// (remaining params, if any)
// returns: description of what function returns (if not void)
// getBestPlayer: determines which player scored the most
// p the array of player information
// size the number of players in the array
// returns the name of player who scored the most points
string getBestPlayer(Player p[], int size) {
// function body goes here
In-code comments:
DO NOT comment every line of code! In general, try to avoid
using comments that describe WHAT the code is doing. These are
redundant (we can just read the code). Comments that explain WHY
the code is doing what it is doing are more helpful. Try to
minimize in-code comments, and write readable code instead.
Follow these recognized good programming practices:
The grader may deduct for these issues:
1. Useappropriatedatatypes:
double populationSize; // you cannot have a fractional amount
// of people like 2008.55, use int
2. Avoidduplicatecode(don’tcopy,pasteandmodify):
if (monthlySales > 3000) {
cout << “Commission: $" << price * 0.25 <<
else {
cout << “Commission: $" << price * 0.29 <<
double rate;
if (monthlySales > 3000) {
rate = 0.25;
else {
rate = 0.29;
cout << “Commission: $" << price * rate <<
3. Donotuseuninitializedvariables:
int total; //should be initialized to 0;
total = total + x; //on first use, total has garbage in
4. Useanamedconstantforanarraysize:
const int SIZE = 100; //NOT: int SIZE;
. . .
double myArray[SIZE];
5. Avoidoutofboundsarrayaccess:
for example:
for (int i=0; i<=SIZE; i++) { // when i == SIZE it goes
// beyond the end of the array
. . . myArray[i] . . .
7. Usereferenceparametersonlywhennecessary.