
In: Psychology

Identify the two levels of government electronic disease surveillance systems. challenges are common state and local.

Identify the two levels of government electronic disease surveillance systems. challenges are common state and local.


Expert Solution

Response at the state and Local level:

Disease Surveillance:

The disease surveillance capacities of many state and local public health system depend, in part, on the surveillance capabilities of hospitals and local primary care providers. Whether a disease outbreak occur naturally or is due to the intentional release of a harmful biological agent, much of the initial response occurs at the local level, particularly at hospitals and their emergency departments. Therefore hospitals personnel are some of the first health-care workers with the opportunity to identify an infectious disease outbreak or a bioterrorist event. The same circumstance that place these medical professionals in an optimal position to recognize the onset of an outbreak also places them at greatest risk from the disease event itself.

To be adequately prepared for infectious disease outbreaks in the united states, states and local public health agencies need to have several basic capabilities, either directly or have access to them through regional agreements.

  • Public health departments need to have disease surveillance system and epidemiologists to detect clusters of suspicious symptoms or disease to facilitate early detection of disease and treatment of victims.
  • Laboratories need to have adequate capacity and necessary staff to test clinical and environment samples to identify an agent promptly so thet proper treatment can be started and reduce spreading of infectious diseases.
  • All organizations involved in the response must be able to communicate easily with on another as event unfold and critical information is acquired, especially in a large scale infectious disease outbreak.

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