
In: Computer Science

Begin by defining the data type Point that has two coordinate members x and y. Specifically,...

  1. Begin by defining the data type Point that has two coordinate members x and y. Specifically, Point will be implemented as a structure; define operators as needed to satisfy problem requirements.

b, prompt the user to input several (x,y) pairs. As the data is entered, store it in a vector of Points called orginal_points. Input is terminated with the EOF character (differs by OS type). To be clear, I am asking you to define an input stream operator to read the point format: (x,y). As an example, the input of (5,6) is the correct input format for a point. While the I/O format includes the ‘(‘, ‘,’, and ‘)’ characters, the internal storage contains only the x and y values. Please Note -- I am expecting a robust, user-friendly way to ensure Points are entered correctly and in a valid format. A simple termination of the program is not acceptable here -- If I’ve entered a number of valid points, don’t discard them -- recover from the error so that input can continue (if possible) and if input cannot continue, ensure that the program proceeds to save the points I have entered. Also important -- this input stream operator needs to work with standard input (cin) and formatted (text) file input streams.

  1. Print the data in original_points to the screen so we can see what it looks like. Create an output stream operator for this that works with both cout and output file streams.
  1. Open an ofstream and write each Point to a file named mydata.txt, using the operator you created in #3 above. Be sure to include the Points in the correct format, one Point per line. Explicitly close the file. Next, inspect the file. It should have the same contents as what you printed on the screen. Does it?
  1. Open the file and, using the same input logic that you created in b, read in the Point data and print the results to the screen. (This is to demonstrate that your input operator is flexible to be used with multiple stream types. Since the data in the file should conform perfectly to the required format, your input checking should run smoothly here…) it's c++ language and Input error handling -- Points data structure
    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <vector>
    using namespace std;
    struct Point{
        int x, y;
        bool operator==(const Point& p2) {
            return this->x == p2.x and this->y == p2.y;
        bool operator!=(const Point& p2) {
            return this->x != p2.x or this->y != p2.y;
        friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, const Point &P ) { 
             out << "(" << P.x << ", " << P.y << ")";
             return out;
        friend istream &operator>>( istream  &in, Point &P ) { 
            char d1, d2, d3;
            // input format: (1, 2)
            in >> d1 >> P.x >> d2 >> P.y >> d3;
            return in;
    int main()
        vector<Point> original_points;
        cout << "Enter points :\n";
        Point P;
        while( cin >> P )
        ofstream out("mydata.txt");
        cout << "You entered the points:\n";
        for(Point p: original_points)
            cout << p << '\n';
            out << p << '\n';
        char ch;
        cout << "Press enter to continue: ";
        ifstream in("mydata.txt");
        vector<Point> processed_points;
        while( in >> P )
        int n = original_points.size();
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
            if(original_points[i] == processed_points[i])
                cout << "Points at index " << i << " are same\n" 
                     << original_points[i] << " "
                     << processed_points[i] << '\n';
            if(original_points[i] != processed_points[i])
                cout << "Points at index " << i << " are not same\n"
                     << original_points[i] << " "
                     << processed_points[i] << '\n';
    } depend on this code write error handling code


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct Point{
int x, y;
bool operator==(const Point& p2) {
return this->x == p2.x and this->y == p2.y;
bool operator!=(const Point& p2) {
return this->x != p2.x or this->y != p2.y;
friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &out, const Point &P ) {
out << "(" << P.x << ", " << P.y << ")";
return out;

friend istream &operator>>( istream &in, Point &P ) {
char d1, d2, d3;
// input format: (1, 2)
in >> d1 >> P.x >> d2 >> P.y >> d3;
return in;

int main()
vector<Point> original_points;
cout << "Enter points :\n";
Point P;
// loop continues until any error occurs
while( cin >> P )
// if any input error occurs, exit the loop keeping the valid points in vector
cin.clear(); // back in 'normal' operation mode
cin.ignore(100,'\n'); // and remove the bad input


ofstream out("mydata.txt");
cout << "You entered the points:\n";
for(Point p: original_points)
cout << p << '\n';
out << p << '\n';
char ch;
cout << "Press enter to continue: ";

ifstream in("mydata.txt");
vector<Point> processed_points;

// loop to read the data from input file
while( in >> P )
// if input file read error occurs, exit the loop
in.clear(); // back in 'normal' operation mode
in.ignore(100,'\n'); // and remove the bad input

int n = original_points.size();
for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
if(original_points[i] == processed_points[i])
cout << "Points at index " << i << " are same\n"
<< original_points[i] << " "
<< processed_points[i] << '\n';
if(original_points[i] != processed_points[i])
cout << "Points at index " << i << " are not same\n"
<< original_points[i] << " "
<< processed_points[i] << '\n';

return 0;

//end of program


Output file: mydata.txt

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