
In: Computer Science

2. Write a program in C++ that: a) Declares a 1D array A with 30 elements...

2. Write a program in C++ that:

a) Declares a 1D array A with 30 elements

b) Inputs an integer n from 1-30 from the keyboard. If n < 1 set n = 1. If n > 30 set n = 30.

the program should keep asking the user the input n one by one, followed by printing of the value of n (n=n if bigger than 1 and smaller than 30, 1 if smaller than 1 and 30 if bigger than 30)


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

int i=0, array[30];
int temp=0;
if(temp>=1 && temp <=30 ){
else if(temp<1){
else{ array[i]=30;

for(int i =0;i<30;i++){
cout<<"array["<<i<<"] = "<<array[i]<<endl;

Code with output -

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