In: Computer Science
To get some practice with recursion.
You can do all this in one driver program.
Write a recursive method to compute the result of the Fibonacci sequence:
Fibonacci(N) = Fibonacci(N -1) + Fibonacci(N-2)
N == 0 is 0
N == 1 is 1
Testing: Display the result for Fibonacci(N) and the number of function calls for N = 2, 5 and 10.
#Code executed in Python 3
#Enter the input variable
N=int(input('Enter the number:'))
#Function to compute Fibonacci
def fib(N):
#Base case Fibonacci(0) = 0
if N==0:
return 0
#Base case Fibonacci(1) = 1
elif N==1:
return 1
#Recursively finding the next value
elif N > 1:
return fib(N-1)+fib(N-2)
#In case N is less than 0
print('Invalid Input')
#Printing the result of the sequence
print('Result of Fibonacci sequence:',fib(N))
#General term for computing number of function calls
#Printing the number of function calls
print('Number of function calls:',Number_of_calls)
Code snapshot:-
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