
In: Psychology

In the article “A Scientific Argument for the Existence of God,” Collins considers three possible theories...

In the article “A Scientific Argument for the Existence of God,” Collins considers three possible theories in light of the apparent “fine tuning” of the universe: the atheistic single-universe hypothesis, the atheistic many-universes hypothesis, and the theistic hypothesis. He then argues that the third hypothesis is far more probable than either of the first two. Are you convinced by Collins’s argument? Why or why not?


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There is a hypothesis that this universe has been created by aliens only. An element of fine tuning exists in this universe because it has been designed by some extra universal brain. Some also believe that one day humans will also be able to design and produce one such universe. This single universe hypothesis rejects the concept of God.

Many universe hypothesis says that our universe is one of the many universes. This idea is also known as the idea of multiverse. This concept of multiverse simply denies the existence of god and God's role in establishing the fine tuning of these universes.

Theistic hypothesis says that there exist a God who creates and balances each and every single aspect of this universe with establishment of fine tuning among all the components. I think Existence of God can not be proved but it can also not be disproved completely.

If we talk about the life conditions at earth then everything seems so perfect. Earth's distance from sun, suitable conditions for availability of water and many other things which require extreme preciseness and accuracy; can not be a matter of chance.

Some supernatural power seems behind all these fine tuning. Various aspects of this universe seems perfectly balanced. Nature's precise physical constraints and life conditions can not be created by a simple mind. Some power definitely exists behind the scenes which balances each and every atom of this universe.

There are many mysteries which have not been solved yet by the modern science. We can not deny the existence of God.

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