
In: Psychology

the role of the Christian worldview in the application of research ethics in the field of...

the role of the Christian worldview in the application of research ethics in the field of psychology. Address the following in your paper:

s Christianity specifically incompatible with Ph.D. research in the field of psychology? Why or why not?

Is the Christian worldview compatible with research ethics in the field of psychology? Why or why not?

To what extent should the Christian worldview influence the type of psychology research conducted and the ethics of that research? Why?

To what extent do you perceive that the Christian worldview will influence the topic and ethics of your intended dissertation research? Why? Is this different than you expected? Why or why not? (Benchmarks Relationships, Spirit, and Self-Discovery C8.1: Appraise the evolution of one's personal self and worldview.)


Expert Solution

Chiristianity is specifically incompatiable with the Ph.D research in psychology, as secular theories differ radically from christianity as Bible gives the guide lines for behaviour , spiritual growth, truth wisdom to the human mankind As per the Bible ,Victims of abuse suffer the consequences of the sin .of other people & often struggle with the unforgiveness & bitterness. In dealing withthe aftermath trauma .god heals many situations supernaturally.

Christian psychology states that ,Humans are holistic, have physical ,psyological & spiritual dimension of existance which influence mental health to progress.

Psychology is the study of human minds & its functions which affect the behaviour.or mental characteristic of a person.A clinical depression is caused by chemical imbalances & in this medical attention & medication is required to cure or help a person the people who are suffering from depression or mental disorders find difficult to pray & have faith in god or religion.ITS NOT specifically for Christians, but for all the religion wether its Hindus, Muslims or any other religion.

2) Many thoughts have considered that intellectual truth & Biblical truth can be combined in the field of psychology making a system of ethcis which is professional & completly comply with Christian Moral values..They belive that spirituality & faith are essential to fulfil life aspects. for this Christan psychologists have a scripture based practice., consider aground approach to humanity, use ethical- sound techniques, focus on diginity into consideration.

Secular techniques have much in their credit as can medicate a persons of many symptoms of mental illness & disorders , understanding the social , biological & psychological factors in human nature. BUT spirituality plays abig role for treatment to divert the thought process of a person THERE FORE SPRITUALITY INFLUENCES & TO SOME EXTEND WORKS AS AHEALER FOR MANY MENTAL ILLNESS.

Yes we percive that surely Christians world wide will infulence the topic & the ethics thus the above said statement will have agreat influence.

Finally Christian must integrate their ethics & by professional practice in the ways that serve the mankind in most effictive ways & also glorify GOD.

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