First question
Correct answer: Option C - Gastrointestinal
- Cystic fibrosis is a condition characterized by thick mucus
- The common organs system it affects are
- Respiratory system
- Gastrointestinal system
- The gastrointestinal system involvement leads to the
development of
- Meconium illeus
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Increase loss stool
- Blockage of the pancreatic ducts and thus making it difficult
for the body to digest protein and fats
2nd quesiotn:
Correct Answer: Option b : inflammation
- Pneumonia development goes through multiple stages. The stages
are as follows:
- Congestion
- Red hepatization
- Grey hepatization
- Resolution or complication/
- The presence of the pathogen in the lung alveoli. this leads to
an inflammatory response.
Third question
Correct answer: Option a -Cerebral tissue hypoxia and ischemia
from compression of blood vessel
Explanation: Hypoxia leads to tissue damage and leads to an
increase in permeability. Increase in the fluid content of the
brain leads to compression of the blood vessels.