
In: Computer Science

Define a class Shoe with the following properties & methods. ForGender – r/w property (legal values:...

  1. Define a class Shoe with the following properties & methods.
  • ForGender – r/w property (legal values: M or F – define a public enum in the class)
  • Brand – r/w property (string)
  • US_ShoeSize – r/w property (decimal). Must be between 2 and 20 (throw an error if not).
  • UK_ShoeSize – public read-only & private set property. 0.5 smaller than US_Size for men’s shoes, 2.5 smaller for woman’s shoes.
  • Constructor method that sets the initial Brand, US_ShoeSize, ForGender of the shoe.

Demonstrate using the class and its properties/methods in C#.


Expert Solution

// do comment if any problem arises

// code

using System;

class Shoe


    // ForGender – r/w property (legal values: M or F – define a public enum in the class)

    public enum gender { M, F };

    public gender ForGender;

    // Brand – r/w property (string)

    public string brand;

    // US_ShoeSize – r/w property (decimal).

    public double US_ShoeSize;

    // UK_ShoeSize – public read-only & private set property.

    private double UK_ShoeSize;

    // Constructor method that sets the initial Brand, US_ShoeSize, ForGender of the shoe.

    Shoe(string brand, double US_ShoeSize, gender ForGender)


        this.brand = brand;

        this.ForGender = ForGender;

        // Must be between 2 and 20 (throw an error if not).

        if (US_ShoeSize < 2 || US_ShoeSize > 20)

            throw new Exception("Invalid Shoe size");


            this.US_ShoeSize = US_ShoeSize;

        // 0.5 smaller than US_Size for men’s shoes, 2.5 smaller for woman’s shoes.

        if (ForGender == gender.M)

            this.UK_ShoeSize = US_ShoeSize - 0.5;


            this.UK_ShoeSize = US_ShoeSize - 0.25;


    public static void Main()


        // testing

        Shoe testing1=new Shoe("abc",10,gender.M);

        Shoe testing2=new Shoe("abc",100,gender.M);




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