
In: Biology

explain how microscopy technique in biological experiments relates to physics and mathematics

explain how microscopy technique in biological experiments relates to physics and mathematics


Expert Solution

The purpose of a microscope is to magnify small objects, and both lenses contribute to the final magnification. Additionally, the final enlarged image is produced in a location far enough from the observer to be easily viewed, since the eye cannot focus on objects or images that are too close. The microscope is used for magnification of objects. The formation of image is based on the laws of physics In lens there is an objective in which magnifying process is initiated. It operates at a distance from the object roughly equal to the focal length and forms a real image which is inverted and enlarged. Here there is interposed another lens called as the field lens which collects the diverging rays and make them pass via eye lens of the eye piece that magnifies the image even more. This field lens accommodates in lower plane of eye piece. As the rays leave eye piece and reach to the eyes of the observer are divergent and hence the image is virtual about 25cm in front of eye. Mathematics deals with the logic related to shape, size and arrangement of the image. It depends on the focal length and the distance between the two lenses to obtain a perfect image. Thus microscopy combines biology with mathematics and physics.





NUMERICAL APERTURE- it is the measure of the lens's ability to resolve the image of the object.,

NA = n sin α, n being the refractive index of the medium between the specimen and the lens

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