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*Python Stock Exchange Data Problem Expected Duration: 3-6 hours A comma-separated value file stocks_data.csv contains historical...


Stock Exchange Data


Expected Duration: 3-6 hours

A comma-separated value file stocks_data.csv contains historical data on the Adjusted Closing Price for 3 stocks daily from Jan 2, 2009 to Dec 31,2018. The stocks are Apple (APPL), Microsoft (MSFT) and IBM (IBM).

A snippet from the data file looks like the following:

Symbol Date Adj. Close
MSFT 4/16/2014 35.807358
MSFT 6/21/2010 20.752356
IBM 2/10/2009 68.930023
AAPL 2/14/2018 164.227203
IBM 6/13/2017 141.24379
IBM 12/26/2017 142.835663
MSFT 4/1/2009 15.053272
AAPL 4/17/2009 15.445643

You can see that each row has a symbol, date and closing price, but the stock data is not sorted by symbol, date or price.

Your task has two main parts:

Part I

For each stock, print the following information to the console and to a text file called stock_summary.txt:

  1. the max price and date it occurs
  2. the min price and date it occurs
  3. the average (mean) price

Part 2

Print to the console and append to the output file stock_summary.txt:

  1. The stock among the 3 with the highest overall closing price and its date
  2. The stock among the 3 with the lowest overall closing price and its date

Example output looks like the following. Your output must match the format, but replace the placeholders with specific values.

Max: price date
Min: price date
Ave: mean

Max: price  date
Min: price date
Ave: mean

Max: price  date
Min: price date
Ave: mean

Highest: Symbol price date
Lowest: Symbol price date


This project has a rubric that matches these test cases, and is used for grading.
Your instructor may also use automated unit test code and/or pylint for grading.

  1. load data from csv input file
  2. if the input file does not exist, print "file does not exist." and exit.
  3. generate summary data for each stock (counts as 1 test case, all correct for this to count)
  4. compute the highest of all stocks and compute the lowest of all the stocks
  5. use functions to minimize obvious repeated code
  6. write same correct output to file stock_summary.txt and console
  7. use loops in code to eliminate repeated code
  8. use appropriate modules and builtin functions to simplify code
  9. Code has a main function with conditional execution.
  10. File has a module docstring with required information in it.
  11. Code follows PEP8 Python Style guide for code style (not your book's Java style)
  12. Thonny's Assistant or pylint says your code is OK, no warnings.

I am really hoping that you can leave a lot of comments on how you do this because I want to learn how to do it. If you can, can you focus on #5 above? use functions to minimize obvious repeated code. Thanks for your help!


Expert Solution


Summary of data . you can remove it if you want.


python {filename}.py >> stocks_summary.txt

Allows you to redirect your output to the file (>> redirect symbol)

You can also your > to append the output to existing file.

Else use sys module

  • import sys
  • In main : write sys.stdout = open('fileaname.txt','w')

The sorted() takes the list and the key to sort ; itemgettter helps in sorting the list based on the key.

To use itemgetter import from operator module.

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