In: Computer Science
What is the role of software security testing in the process of finding solutions to system vulnerabilities
SECURITY TESTING is a type of software testing that intends to uncover vulnerabilities of the system and determine that its data and resources are protected from possible intruders.Security testing is the most important testing for a system and checks whether confidential data stays confidential. In this type of testing, tester plays a role of the attacker and play around the system to find security-related bugs. Security testing helps in finding solutions to system vulnerabilities by identifying network and system weaknesses, and later provides solutions for reducing these risks.Security testing involves looking for vulnerabilities in the network infrastructure (resources and policies) and fixing them later. Security testing also involves assessing weaknesses in the various software (operating system, database system, and other software) the application depends on. Testing all the above features help in knowing the vulnerabilities of the system better , hence help in finding possible solutions.