
In: Computer Science

state the input and output of the traveling salesman problem. give the best lower bound on...

state the input and output of the traveling salesman problem. give the best lower bound on length of optimal tour and prove


Expert Solution

Input − mask value for masking some cities, position.

Output minus; Find the shortest route to visit all the cities.


Cost matrix of the matrix.

0 20 42 25 30

20 0 30 34 15

42 30 0 10 10

25 34 10 0 25

30 15 10 25 0


Distance of Travelling Salesman: 80

A 1-tree problem on n cities is the problem of finding a tree that connects n cities with the first
city connecting to two cities.
When we try to find a lower bound for the 1-tree problem we try to find a minimum 1-tree. We
apply the 1-tree problem to the traveling salesman problem by considering that a tour is a tree
whose each vertex has a degree of two. Then a minimum 1-tree is also a minimal path.
Figure 10.7 shows a simple 1-tree.
Figure 10.7 A simple 1-tree.
Let us consider the geometric traveling salesman problem. We denote to eij the length of the path
from the i city to the j city. We assume that each city has a weight of πi. So we can say that each
edge has a cost of
cij = eij + πi πj 10.56
We now compute a new minimum 1-tree taking into account the edge costs. It is clear that the
new 1-tree we will construct id different from the original 1-tree. Let us consider a set of different
tours V. Let U be the set of 1-trees constructed by each tour from V. Recall that a tour is a 1-tree
with each vertex having a degree of 2. This means that the set of tours is included in the set of 1-
trees. Let us express a tour with T and the cost of a tour as L(cij , T) if we take in account the cost
of the edges. Therefore, it is true that
min LT∈U(cij, T) ≤ min LT∈V(cij, T) 10.57
From equation 3.17 we can write that:
L(cij , T) = L(eij , T) + ∑ π
i 1
i 10.58
With dT
i we symbol the degree of i vertex in the 1-tree.
Consider T to be a tour. This means that dT
i = 2. So we can now write that:
L(cij , T) = L(eij , T) + ∑ π
i 1
i 2 10.59
We assume a minimal tour T’. Equation 3.18 is then transformed as:
min LT∈U(cij, T) ≤ min L(cij, T’) - ∑ π
i 1
i 2 10.60
Let us express the length of the optimal tour as c’ = L(eij , T’).Then from equation 10.59 and
10.60 we can get:
minT∈U{c + ∑ π
i 1
i } ≤ c’ + ∑ π
i 1
i 2 10.61
This is transformed into:
minT∈U{c + ∑ π
i 1
i (dT
i -2)} ≤ c’ 10.62
We can finally write that:
w(π) = minT∈U{c + ∑ π
i 1
i (dT
i -2)} 10.63
Hence the lower bound for Held-Karp is
Held-Karplower-bound = max (w(π)).

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