In: Economics
Answer 1:
National Income through Income Method=Net National Product at Factor Cost
=Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost+Net Factor income from abroad
=Compensation of Employees (Salaries+Wages+Social security contribution by employer)+Operating Surplus(Rent+Interest+Royalty+Dividend+Corporate tax+undistributed profits)+Mixed income of self employed(Income earned by doctors and entrepreneurs)+Net Factor income from abroad.
=Salaries+Wages+Social security contribution by employer+Rent+Interest+Royalty+Dividend+Corporate tax+undistributed profits+Income earned by doctors and entrepreneurs+Net Factor income from abroad
Answer 2:
National Income through Expenditure Method=Net National Product at Factor Cost
=Private final consumption expenditure+Net Domestic Capital Formation+Government final consumption expenditure+Net Exports+Net factor income from abroad-Net Indirect taxes
Note:Social security contribution by employees is not taken into account for calculating national income. And Consumption of fixed capital is also ignored because Net domestic capital formation is given.Consumption of fixed capital is deducted out of the Gross domestic capital formation.