
In: Computer Science

C++ for Mac (Xcode) For this exercise, you will write a program that includes four function...

C++ for Mac (Xcode)

For this exercise, you will write a program that includes four function definitions. You will also write a main() function that calls these four functions to demonstrate that they work as expected.

The four functions are:

1. printExitMessage() : This function prints a message to the screen saying something like "Thanks for using this software. Goodbye."

2. getMin(): This function takes two float inputs and returns the lesser of the two float values. For example, if the arguments to the function were -1.0f and 1.0f, it would return -1.0f.

3. getAbsoluteValue(): Takes an int argument, and returns the absolute value of that int. If you don't know what absolute value is, search for it on the web (it is really simple). Hint: multiplying by -1 will give you the positive version of a negative number.

4. isEven(): Takes an int argument and returns a bool value: true if the number is even, false if the number is odd. Hint: x % 2 == 0 will be true if the number is even, false if odd.

Don't forget to call each of your four functions in main() to make sure they work.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
void printExitMessage() //printExitMessage Function
cout<<"Thanks for using this software.Goodbye"; //Printing the message
float getMin(float a,float b) //getMin Function
if(a<b) //Checking for smaller number
return a;
return b;
int getAbsoluteValue(int n) //getAbsoluteValue Function
return abs(n); //Calculating absolute value
bool isEven(int num) //isEven Function
if(num%2==0) //Checking if no is even
return true;
return false;
int main()
printExitMessage(); //Calling printExitMessage Function
float f = getMin(-1,1); //Calling getMin Function
cout<<"\n"<<f; //Printing the ans
int i = getAbsoluteValue(-18); //Calling getAbsoluteValue Function
cout<<"\n"<<i; //Printing the ans
bool b = isEven(24); //Calling isEven Function
cout<<"\nTrue"; //Printing the ans

return 0;


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