
In: Computer Science

Using Java, define a train class and write code to demonstrate its functionality The train should...

Using Java, define a train class and write code to demonstrate its functionality

The train should run between Boston and New York, stopping at different, different station along the way.

Provide output to indicate the train’s current status.


Expert Solution


import java.util.LinkedList;

public class Train {

   //A Linked list store the stations
   private LinkedList<String> stations;
   private String currentStation;
   private String lastStation;

   public Train() {

       stations = new LinkedList<String>();
       * modify the station names between Boston and New York
       stations.add("Staion A");
       stations.add("Staion B");
       stations.add("Staion C");
       stations.add("Staion D");
       stations.add("Staion E");
       stations.add("New York");
       currentStation = stations.getFirst();//get the first station
       lastStation = stations.getLast();//get the last station
       stations.poll();//train start run from first station

   public LinkedList<String> getStations() {
       return stations;

   public String getCurrentStation() {
       return currentStation;

   public String getLastStation() {
       return lastStation;

   public void run() {

       if (!stations.isEmpty()) {
           currentStation = stations.poll();
       } else {

           System.out.println("You have reached at: " + lastStation);

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Train train = new Train();

       System.out.println("Train at: " + train.getCurrentStation());
       System.out.println("Train's last station: " + train.getLastStation());;;

       System.out.println("Now train at: " + train.getCurrentStation());;;

       System.out.println("Now train at: " + train.getCurrentStation());
       System.out.println("Now train at: " + train.getCurrentStation());



Train at: Boston
Train's last station: New York
Now train at: Staion B
Now train at: Staion D
You have reached at: New York
Now train at: New York

Please let me know if you have any doubt or modify the answer, Thanks :)

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