
In: Computer Science

JAVA programming language Please add or modify base on the given code Adding functionality Add functionality...

JAVA programming language

Please add or modify base on the given code

Adding functionality

  • Add functionality for multiplication (*)

Adding JUnit tests

  • Add one appropriately-named method to test some valid values for tryParseInt
    • You will use an assertEquals
    • You'll check that tryParseInt returns the expected value
    • The values to test:
      • "-2"
      • "-1"
      • "0"
      • "1"
      • "2"
    • Hint: You will need to cast the return value from tryParseInt to an int
    • e.g., (int) ValidationHelper.tryParseInt("1")
  • Add one appropriately-named method to test some invalid values for tryParseInt
    • I'm leaving it to you to choose the correct assert to use
    • The values to test:
      • ""
      • " "
      • " "
      • "1.2.3"
      • "."
      • "x"
      • "one"
      • null that is not in quotes
  • Add one appropriately-named method to test some valid values for isCharAllowed
    • I'm leaving it to you to choose the correct assert to use
    • The values to test:
      • ('a', "abc")
      • ('b', "abc")
      • ('a', "a")
      • (' ', " ") That's a one-space char, and a one-space string
  • Add one appropriately-named method to test some invalid values for isCharAllowed
    • I'm leaving it to you to choose the correct assert to use
    • The values to test:
      • ('a', "")
      • ('b', "xyz")
      • ('a', null)
      • ('z', " ") That's a one-space string


Given code

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int operandOne = IOHelper.userInputInt("Enter first numeric value");
        int operandTwo = IOHelper.userInputInt("Enter second numeric value");
        char operation = IOHelper.userInputChar("Choose an operation", "+-");

        double result;
        switch (operation) {
            case '+':
                result = MathHelper.addValues(operandOne, operandTwo);
            case '-':
                result = MathHelper.subtractValues(operandOne, operandTwo);
                System.out.println("Unrecognized operation!");
        System.out.println("The answer is " + result);


import java.util.Scanner;

public class IOHelper {
    private static final Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

    public static String userInputString(String x) {
        System.out.print(x + ": ");

        return keyboard.nextLine();

    public static int userInputInt(String x) {
        Integer o = null;

        while (o == null) {
            String u = userInputString(x);
            o = ValidationHelper.tryParseInt(u);

        return o;

    public static char userInputChar(String x, String r) {

        char c = 0;
        while (!ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed(c, r)) {
            String i = userInputString(x + " (" + r + ")");
            if (i.length() > 0) {
                c = i.charAt(0);

        return c;


public class MathHelper {
    public static double addValues(double operandOne, double operandTwo) {
        return operandOne + operandTwo;

    public static double subtractValues(double operandOne, double operandTwo) {
        return operandOne - operandTwo;



public class ValidationHelper {

    public static Integer tryParseInt(String userInput) {
        try {
            return Integer.parseInt(userInput);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

    public static boolean isCharAllowed(char ch, String r) {
        if (r == null) {
            return false;
        return (r.indexOf(ch) >= 0);


Expert Solution

NOTE: The and remains the same as given in the question. Please find, and below.

public class MathHelper {
   * This method adds the two given double values and returns the result.
   * @param operandOne
   * - value 1
   * @param operandTwo
   * - value 2
   public static double addValues(double operandOne, double operandTwo) {
       return operandOne + operandTwo;

   * This method subtracts the second double value from the first double value
   * and returns the result.
   * @param operandOne
   * - value 1
   * @param operandTwo
   * - value 2
   public static double subtractValues(double operandOne, double operandTwo) {
       return operandOne - operandTwo;

   * This method multiplies the two given double values and returns the
   * result.
   * @param operandOne
   * - value 1
   * @param operandTwo
   * - value 2
   public static double multiplyValues(double operandOne, double operandTwo) {
       return operandOne * operandTwo;

public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int operandOne = IOHelper.userInputInt("Enter first numeric value");
       int operandTwo = IOHelper.userInputInt("Enter second numeric value");
       char operation = IOHelper.userInputChar("Choose an operation", "+-*");

       double result;
       switch (operation) {
       case '+': // Addition
           result = MathHelper.addValues(operandOne, operandTwo);
       case '-': // Subtraction
           result = MathHelper.subtractValues(operandOne, operandTwo);
       case '*': // Multiplication
           result = MathHelper.multiplyValues(operandOne, operandTwo);
           System.out.println("Unrecognized operation!");
       System.out.println("The answer is " + result);

import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class JunitTests {

   * This method tests valid integers by passing them to the
   * ValidationHelper.tryParseInt() method.
   public void testValidInts() {
       assertEquals(-2, (int) ValidationHelper.tryParseInt("-2"));
       assertEquals(-1, (int) ValidationHelper.tryParseInt("-1"));
       assertEquals(0, (int) ValidationHelper.tryParseInt("0"));
       assertEquals(1, (int) ValidationHelper.tryParseInt("1"));
       assertEquals(2, (int) ValidationHelper.tryParseInt("2"));

   * This method tests invalid integers by passing them to the
   * ValidationHelper.tryParseInt() method.
   public void testInvalidInts() {
       assertNull(ValidationHelper.tryParseInt(" "));

   * This method tests valid integers by passing them to the
   * ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed() method.
   public void testValidChar() {
       assertTrue(ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed('a', "abc"));
       assertTrue(ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed('b', "abc"));
       assertTrue(ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed('a', "a"));
       assertTrue(ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed(' ', " "));

   * This method tests invalid integers by passing them to the
   * ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed() method.
   public void testInvalidChar() {
       assertFalse(ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed('a', ""));
       assertFalse(ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed('b', "xyz"));
       assertFalse(ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed('a', null));
       assertFalse(ValidationHelper.isCharAllowed('z', " "));



OUTPUT of output

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