
In: Psychology

What three cognitive biases and what three fallacies do you recognize in your own thinking? What...

What three cognitive biases and what three fallacies do you recognize in your own thinking? What steps could you take to correct these?


Expert Solution

The cognitive biases I recognise in my thinking include the fundamental attribution error, confirmation bias and mood-congruent memory bias. On the other hand, the fallacies I am particularly prone to is hasty generalisation, slippery slope and sunk cost. Some of the practices that can be employed to rectify these are described as under:

  • Considering who is impacted by the decision (or lack of decision). Sometimes, looking at how others will be impacted by a given decision will help to clarify it.
  • Conducting a rational analysis of the information. Drilling deeper for more data or looking for any other systemic information about the decision.
  • Asking a credible source for input, particularly those who might have the data or experience the decision maker does not possess.
  • Reflecting on the past and looking back on one’s decision-making history, and analysing how one has tackled a similar situation before.

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