
In: Computer Science

Modify the original code and add an additional function of your choice. The function should be...

Modify the original code and add an additional function of your choice. The function should be unique and something you created for this assignment. Support your experimentation with screen captures of executing the new code. Prepare a test table with at least 3 distinct test cases listing input and expected output for your unique function.

#include <stdio.h>

void printHelp () {

printf ("\n");

printf ("a: a(x) = x*x\n");

printf ("b: b(x) = x*x*x\n");

printf ("c: c(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 7\n");

printf ("q: quit\n");


void a(float x) {

float v = x*x;

printf (" a(%.2f) = %.2f^2 = %.2f\n", x, x, v);

} // end function a

void b(float x) {

float v = x*x*x;

printf (" b(%.2f) = %.2f^3 = %.2f\n", x, x, v);

} // end function b

void c(float x) {

float v = x*x + 2*x + 7;

printf (" c(%.2f) = %.2f^2 + 2*%.2f + 7 = %.2f\n",

x, x, x, v);

} // end function c

int menu () {

char selection;

float x;

printHelp ();

scanf ("%s", &selection);

if (selection == 'q') return 1;

scanf ("%f", &x);

if (selection == 'a') a(x);

if (selection == 'b') b(x);

if (selection == 'c') c(x);

return 0;

} // end function menu

int main() {

while (menu() == 0);

printf ("... bye ...\n");

return 0;

} // end main


Expert Solution

#include <stdio.h>

void printHelp () {

printf ("\n");

printf ("a: a(x) = x*x\n");

printf ("b: b(x) = x*x*x\n");

printf ("c: c(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 7\n");

printf ("d: c(x) = 2*x^2 - 2*x\n");

printf ("q: quit\n");


void a(float x) {

float v = x*x;

printf (" a(%.2f) = %.2f^2 = %.2f\n", x, x, v);

} // end function a

void b(float x) {

float v = x*x*x;

printf (" b(%.2f) = %.2f^3 = %.2f\n", x, x, v);

} // end function b

void c(float x) {

float v = x*x + 2*x + 7;

printf (" c(%.2f) = %.2f^2 + 2*%.2f + 7 = %.2f\n",

x, x, x, v);

} // end function c

void d(float x) {

float v = 2*x*x - 2*x;

printf (" d(%.2f) = 2*%.2f^2 - 2*%.2f = %.2f\n",

x, x, x, v);

} // end function d

int menu () {

char selection;

float x;

printHelp ();

scanf ("%s", &selection);

if (selection == 'q') return 1;

scanf ("%f", &x);

if (selection == 'a') a(x);

if (selection == 'b') b(x);

if (selection == 'c') c(x);

if (selection == 'd') d(x);

return 0;

} // end function menu

int main() {

while (menu() == 0);

printf ("... bye ...\n");

return 0;

} // end main

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