In: Computer Science
The devices designed for the purpose of addressing security in the network generate a number of logs during the continuous monitoring of the network. Discuss in detail the different types of logs created and how the security professional can use this information for analysing security in the network.
Network Security Controls
The list of security attacks is very long, and the news media carry frequent accounts of serious security incidents. From these, you may be ready to conclude that network security is hopeless. Fortunately, that is not the case. Previous chapters have presented several strategies for addressing security concerns, such as encryption for confidentiality and integrity, reference monitors for access control, and overlapping controls for defense in depth. These strategies are also useful in protecting networks. This section presents many excellent defenses available to the network security engineer. Subsequent sections provide detailed explanations for three particularly important controls—firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and encrypted e-mail.
Security Threat Analysis
Recall the three steps of a security threat analysis in other situations. First, we scrutinize all the parts of a system so that we know what each part does and how it interacts with other parts. Next, we consider possible damage to confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Finally, we hypothesize the kinds of attacks that could cause this damage. We can take the same steps with a network. We begin by looking at the individual parts of a network:
The local network is also connected to a
These functional needs are typical for network users. But now we look again at these parts, this time conjuring up the negative effects threat agents can cause. We posit a malicious agent—call him Hector—who wants to attack networked communications between two users, Andy and Bo. What might Hector do?
Read communications. The messages sent and received are exposed inside Andy's machine, at all places through the network, and inside Bo's machine. Thus, a confidentiality attack can be mounted from practically any place in the network.
Modify communications from Andy to Bo. Again, the messages are exposed at all places through the network.
Forge communications allegedly from Andy to Bo. This action is even easier than modifying a communication because a forgery can be inserted at any place in the network. It need not originate with the ostensible sender, and it does not require catching a communication in transit. Since Andy does not deliver his communications personally and since Bo might even never have met Andy, Bo has little basis for judging whether a communication purportedly sent by Andy is authentic.
Inhibit communications from Andy to Bo. Here again, Hector can achieve this result by invading Andy's machine, Bo's machine, routers between them, or communications links. He can also disrupt communications in general by flooding the network or disrupting any unique path on the network.
Inhibit all communications passing through a point. If the point resides on a unique path to or from a node, all traffic to or from that node is blocked. If the path is not unique, blocking it will shift traffic to other nodes, perhaps overburdening them.
Read data at some machine C between Andy and Bo. Hector can impersonate Andy (who is authorized to access data at C). Bo might question a message that seems out of character for Andy, but machine C will nevertheless apply the access controls for Andy. Alternatively, Hector can invade (run a program on) machine C to override access controls. Finally, he can search the network for machines that have weak or improperly administered access controls.
Modify or destroy data at C. Here again Hector can impersonate Andy and do anything Andy could. Similarly, Hector can try to circumvent controls.
We summarize these threats with a list:
Just as segmentation was a powerful security control in operating systems, it can limit the potential for harm in a network in two important ways: Segmentation reduces the number of threats, and it limits the amount of damage a single vulnerability can allow.
Assume your network implements electronic commerce for users of the Internet. The fundamental parts of your network may be
a web server, to handle users' HTTP sessions
application code, to present your goods and services for purchase
a database of goods, and perhaps an accompanying inventory to the count of stock on hand and being requested from suppliers
a database of orders taken
Another key architectural control is redundancy: allowing a function to be performed on more than one node, to avoid "putting all the eggs in one basket." For example, the design of Figure 7-20 has only one web server; lose it and all connectivity is lost. A better design would have two servers, using what is called failover mode. In failover mode the servers communicate with each other periodically, each determining if the other is still active. If one fails, the other takes over processing for both of them. Although performance is cut approximately in half when a failure occurs, at least some processing is being done.
Encryption is probably the most important and versatile tool for a network security expert. We have seen in earlier chapters that encryption is powerful for providing privacy, authenticity, integrity, and limited access to data. Because networks often involve even greater risks, they often secure data with encryption, perhaps in combination with other controls.
Virtual Private Networks
Link encryption can be used to give a network's users the sense that they are on a private network, even when it is part of a public network. For this reason, the approach is called a virtual private network (or VPN).
PKI and Certificates
A public key infrastructure, or PKI, is a process created to enable users to implement public key cryptography, usually in a large (and frequently, distributed) setting. PKI offers each user a set of services, related to identification and access control, as follows:
create certificates associating a user's identity with a (public) cryptographic key
give out certificates from its database
sign certificates, adding its credibility to the authenticity of the certificate
confirm (or deny) that a certificate is valid
invalidate certificates for users who no longer are allowed access or whose private key has been exposed
SSH Encryption
SSH (secure shell) is a pair of protocols (versions 1 and 2), originally defined for Unix but also available under Windows 2000, that provides an authenticated and encrypted path to the shell or operating system command interpreter. Both SSH versions replace Unix utilities such as Telnet, rlogin, and rsh for remote access. SSH protects against spoofing attacks and modification of data in communication.
SSL Encryption
The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol was originally designed by Netscape to protect communication between a web browser and server. It is also known now as TLS, for transport layer security. SSL interfaces between applications (such as browsers) and the TCP/IP protocols to provide server authentication, optional client authentication, and an encrypted communications channel between client and server. Client and server negotiate a mutually supported suite of encryption for session encryption and hashing; possibilities include triple DES and SHA1, or RC4 with a 128-bit key and MD5.
Signed Code
As we have seen, someone can place malicious active code on a web site to be downloaded by unsuspecting users. Running with the privilege of whoever downloads it, such active code can do serious damage, from deleting files to sending e-mail messages to fetching Trojan horses to performing subtle and hard-to-detect mischief. Today's trend is to allow applications and updates to be downloaded from central sites, so the risk of downloading something malicious is growing.
Encrypted E-Mail
An electronic mail message is much like the back of a post card. The mail carrier (and everyone in the postal system through whose hands the card passes) can read not just the address but also everything in the message field. To protect the privacy of the message and routing information, we can use encryption to protect the confidentiality of the message and perhaps its integrity.
Content Integrity
Content integrity comes as a bonus with cryptography. No one can change encrypted data in a meaningful way without breaking the encryption. This does not say, however, that encrypted data cannot be modified. Changing even one bit of an encrypted data stream will affect the result after decryption, often in a way that seriously alters the resulting plaintext. We need to consider three potential threats:
malicious modification that changes content in a meaningful way
malicious or nonmalicious modification that changes content in a way that is not necessarily meaningful
nonmalicious modification that changes content in a way that will not be detected
Cryptographic Checksum
Malicious modification must be handled in a way that prevents the attacker from modifying the error detection mechanism as well as the data bits themselves. One way to do this is to use a technique that shrinks and transforms the data, according to the value of the data bits.
Strong Authentication
Operating systems and database management systems enforce a security policy that specifies who—which individuals, groups, subjects—can access which resources and objects. Central to that policy is authentication: knowing and being assured of the accuracy of identities.
One-Time Password
The wiretap threat implies that a password could be intercepted from a user who enters a password across an unsecured network. A one-time password can guard against wiretapping and spoofing of a remote host.
Challenge–Response Systems
To counter the loss and reuse problems, a more sophisticated one-time password scheme uses challenge and response, as we first studied in Chapter 4. A challenge and response device looks like a simple pocket calculator. The user first authenticates to the device, usually by means of a PIN. The remote system sends a random number, called the "challenge," which the user enters into the device. The device responds to that number with another number, which the user then transmits to the system.