
In: Computer Science

Q1) (1 point) Design an efficient algorithm (in terms of asymptotic complexity in the worst case)...

Q1) (1 point) Design an efficient algorithm (in terms of asymptotic complexity in the worst case) to determine if two students in a class of n students have the same height. What is the complexity of your algorithm?

a.Provide the pseudo-code of that algorithm.

b.Implement the algorithm in a language of your choice and provide a sample run with meaningful input.


Expert Solution



Consider we have 2 cases for the mentioned scenario

Case 1:The smallest measure in cm

Case 2:There is no such a limit

Time Complexity

Case 1




First Initializie the height slots to unmark

Then Measure each student

Then mark the corresponding to the height slot

return true if the marked slot is visited


Case 2


Θ(n lg n)


we need to apply any Θ(n lg n) sorting algorithm

Scan the sorted array from left & right , return true whenever 2 neighbours are of the same height

return false in case if there is no true retun at the both cases



Height(i) is the height of the student i

Mark(j) is the mark for the height j

miinimum_height & maximum_height are predetermined can be calculated in the linear time

HEIGHT_CASE_1(Height, A)
1 for j<-minimum_height to maximum_height
2 Mark[j]<-false
3 for i<-1 to n
4 if Mark(Height(i))
5 then return true
6 else Mark(Height(i))<-true
7 return false

HEIGHT_CASE_2(Height, A)
1 quicksort (Height)
2 for i<-1 to n-1
3 if Height(i) = Height(i + 1)
4 then return true
5 return false


provided complexity and pseudocode

really sorry couldnt able to complete the b

all the best

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