In: Computer Science
Q1) (1 point) Design an efficient algorithm (in terms of asymptotic complexity in the worst case) to determine if two students in a class of n students have the same height. What is the complexity of your algorithm?
a.Provide the pseudo-code of that algorithm.
b.Implement the algorithm in a language of your choice and provide a sample run with meaningful input.
Consider we have 2 cases for the mentioned scenario
Case 1:The smallest measure in cm
Case 2:There is no such a limit
Time Complexity
Case 1
First Initializie the height slots to unmark
Then Measure each student
Then mark the corresponding to the height slot
return true if the marked slot is visited
Case 2
Θ(n lg n)
we need to apply any Θ(n lg n) sorting algorithm
Scan the sorted array from left & right , return true whenever 2 neighbours are of the same height
return false in case if there is no true retun at the both cases
Height(i) is the height of the student i
Mark(j) is the mark for the height j
miinimum_height & maximum_height are predetermined can be calculated in the linear time
HEIGHT_CASE_1(Height, A)
1 for j<-minimum_height to maximum_height
2 Mark[j]<-false
3 for i<-1 to n
4 if Mark(Height(i))
5 then return true
6 else Mark(Height(i))<-true
7 return false
HEIGHT_CASE_2(Height, A)
1 quicksort (Height)
2 for i<-1 to n-1
3 if Height(i) = Height(i + 1)
4 then return true
5 return false
provided complexity and pseudocode
really sorry couldnt able to complete the b
all the best