
In: Computer Science

I am having problems with : If 6 is selected, then you will get an employee...

I am having problems with :

If 6 is selected, then you will get an employee pay amount from the user. This will be a double. Only allow them to enter one pay amount and then display the main menu again.


if 2 is selected you will promt the user for a grade (double) from 0-100. Only allow them to enter one grade and then display the main menu again

The project:

Create a project called P03. Inside of P03 you’re going to have four classes: 1)


Create a project called P03. Inside of P03 you’re going to have four classes:
1) (which will contain your main method)

2) which will be your super class will have the following properties:
first name (string)
last name (string)
id number (string)
phone (string)
street address (string)
city (string)
state (string)
zip (string)

3) will inherit from Person and will have the following additional properties:
major (string)
grades (Arraylist of doubles)
advisor (string)

Student will also have a method called displayStudent() which will display all of the students information as well as their GPA in a neatly formatted way

. 4) will inherit from Person and will have the following additional properties:
department (string)
supervisor (string)
paychecks (ArrayList of doubles)

Employee will also have a method called displayEmployee() which will display all of the employees information as well as their pay average and pay total in a neatly formatted way. You can also add and use the
You'll create two interfaces: with the following methods:
AddCheckAmount(double check)
GetPayAverage() with the following methods:
AddNumericalGrade(double grade)

you will use Student to create an ArrayList of Student Java Objects called students, and Employee to create an ArrayList of Employee Java Objects called employees.

In you’ll have a menu with the following options:
1) Add a Student
2) Add a Student Grade
3) View All Students
4) Clear all Students
5) Add an Employee
6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
7) View All Employees
8) Clear All Employees
9) Exit
If 1 is selected,you will prompt the user for each field of the Student class to enter. You will validate strings to make sure they are not empty. You will validate ints and doubles to make sure they are proper ints and doubles. You will then add the Student Object to an ArrayList called students, returning the user back to the menu. Feel free to use the Helper Class we've been working with.

If 2 is selected you will promt the user for a grade (double) from 0-100. Only allow them to enter one grade and then display the main menu again.

If 3 is selected, you will display the list of students in a neatly formatted way by looping through students and calling displayStudent() for each. If there are no students entered, then tell the user this.

If 4 is selected, you will clear the students ArrayList.

If 5 is selected, then you will prompt the user for each field to enter for the Employee class. You will validate strings to make sure they are not empty. You will validate doubles to make sure they are proper doubles.

If 6 is selected, then you will get an employee pay amount from the user. This will be a double. Only allow them to enter one pay amount and then display the main menu again.

If 7 is selected, you will display the list of employees in a neatly formatted way calling displayEmployee() for each. If there are no employees, then tell the user this.

If 8 is selected, you will clear the employees ArrayList.

When 9 is selected, you will exit the program.



Expert Solution


package P03;

public class Person {

   * fields
   private String firstName;
   private String lastName;
   private String idNumber;
   private String phoneNumber;
   private String streetAddress;
   private String city;
   private String state;
   private String zip;
   * @param firstName
   * @param lastName
   * @param idNumber
   * @param phoneNumber
   * @param streetAddress
   * @param city
   * @param state
   * @param zip
   public Person(String firstName, String lastName, String idNumber, String phoneNumber, String streetAddress,
           String city, String state, String zip) {
       this.firstName = firstName;
       this.lastName = lastName;
       this.idNumber = idNumber;
       this.phoneNumber = phoneNumber;
       this.streetAddress = streetAddress; = city;
       this.state = state; = zip;
   //getter and setter
   public String getFirstName() {
       return firstName;
   public String getLastName() {
       return lastName;
   public String getIdNumber() {
       return idNumber;
   public String getPhoneNumber() {
       return phoneNumber;
   public String getStreetAddress() {
       return streetAddress;
   public String getCity() {
       return city;
   public String getState() {
       return state;
   public String getZip() {
       return zip;

package P03;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Student extends Person implements GradesInterface{
   * fileds
   private String major;
   private ArrayList<Double> grades = new ArrayList<>();
   private String advisor;
   * @param firstName
   * @param lastName
   * @param idNumber
   * @param phoneNumber
   * @param streetAddress
   * @param city
   * @param state
   * @param zip
   * @param major
   * @param advisor
   public Student(String firstName, String lastName, String idNumber, String phoneNumber, String streetAddress,
           String city, String state, String zip, String major, String advisor) {
       super(firstName, lastName, idNumber, phoneNumber, streetAddress, city, state, zip);
       this.major = major;
       this.advisor = advisor;
   //getter and setter
   public String getMajor() {
       return major;
   public ArrayList<Double> getGrades() {
       return grades;
   public String getAdvisor() {
       return advisor;
   public void setGrades(ArrayList<Double> grades) {
       this.grades = grades;
   public String toString() {
       return this.getClass().getSimpleName()+" "+ getFirstName()+ " "+ getLastName() + " "+ getIdNumber() + " has "+calculateGPA();
   public void AddNumericalGrade(double grade) {
   public double calculateGPA() {
       double gpa = 0;
       for(int i=0;i<grades.size();i++) {
           gpa = gpa+ grades.get(i).doubleValue();
       gpa = gpa/grades.size();
       return gpa;


package P03;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Employee extends Person implements PayrollInterface {

   private String department;
   private String supervisor;
   private ArrayList<Double> paychecks = new ArrayList<>();

   * @param firstName
   * @param lastName
   * @param idNumber
   * @param phoneNumber
   * @param streetAddress
   * @param city
   * @param state
   * @param zip
   * @param department
   * @param supervisor
   public Employee(String firstName, String lastName, String idNumber, String phoneNumber, String streetAddress,
           String city, String state, String zip, String department, String supervisor) {
       super(firstName, lastName, idNumber, phoneNumber, streetAddress, city, state, zip);
       this.department = department;
       this.supervisor = supervisor;

   //getter and setter
   public String getDepartment() {
       return department;

   public String getSupervisor() {
       return supervisor;

   public ArrayList<Double> getPaychecks() {
       return paychecks;

   public String toString() {
       return this.getClass().getSimpleName()+" "+ getFirstName()+ " "+ getLastName() + " "+ getIdNumber() + " has "+ GetPayTotal();

   public void AddCheckAmount(double check) {


   public double GetPayTotal() {

       double payTotal = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < paychecks.size(); i++) {
           payTotal = payTotal + paychecks.get(i);
       return payTotal;

   public double GetPayAverage() {

       return GetPayTotal() / paychecks.size();



package P03;

public interface PayrollInterface {

   public void AddCheckAmount(double check);
   public double GetPayTotal();
   public double GetPayAverage();

package P03;

public interface GradesInterface {

   public void AddNumericalGrade(double grade);
   public double calculateGPA();

package P03;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class EntrySystem {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList<>();
       ArrayList<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<>();
       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
       Student student = null;
       Employee employee = null;
       int menu;
       do {

           System.out.println("MENU: \n" + "\t1) Add a Student\r\n" + "   2) Add a Student Grade\r\n"
                   + "   3) View All Students\r\n" + "   4) Clear all Students\r\n" + "   5) Add an Employee\r\n"
                   + "   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount\r\n" + "   7) View All Employees\r\n"
                   + "   8) Clear All Employees\r\n" + "   9) Exit");
           menu = scan.nextInt();
           switch (menu) {
           case 1:
               System.out.println("Enter the first name of the student: ");
               String firstName =;
               System.out.println("Enter the last name of the student: ");
               String lastName =;
               System.out.println("Enter the id number of the student: ");
               String idNumber =;
               System.out.println("Enter the phone number of the student: ");
               String phoneNumber =;
               System.out.println("Enter the street Address of the student: ");
               String streetAddress =;
               System.out.println("Enter the city of the student: ");
               String city =;
               System.out.println("Enter the state of the student: ");
               String state =;
               System.out.println("Enter the zip code :");
               String zip =;
               System.out.println("Enter the major of the student: ");
               String major =;
               System.out.println("Enter the advisor of the student: ");
               String advisor =;
               student = new Student(firstName, lastName, idNumber, phoneNumber, streetAddress, city, state, zip,
                       major, advisor);
           case 2:
               System.out.println("Enter the student grades: ");
               double grade = scan.nextDouble();

           case 3:

               for (int i = 0; i < students.size(); i++) {

           case 4:

           case 5:
               System.out.println("Enter the first name of the Employee: ");
               String firstNameEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the last name of the Employee: ");
               String lastNameEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the id number of the Employee: ");
               String idNumberEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the phone number of the Employee: ");
               String phoneNumberEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the street Address of the Employee: ");
               String streetAddressEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the city of the Employee: ");
               String cityEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the state of the Employee: ");
               String stateEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the zip code :");
               String zipEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the deparment of the Employee: ");
               String deparmentEmployee =;
               System.out.println("Enter the supervisor of the Employee: ");
               String supervisorEmployee =;
               employee = new Employee(firstNameEmployee, lastNameEmployee, idNumberEmployee, phoneNumberEmployee,
                       streetAddressEmployee, cityEmployee, stateEmployee, zipEmployee, deparmentEmployee,

           case 6:
               System.out.println("Enter the Employee's pay check: ");
               double check = scan.nextDouble();

           case 7:
               for (int i = 0; i < employees.size(); i++) {


           case 8:

           case 9:

               System.out.println("Invalid choice!!!!");
       } while (menu != 9);


   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
Enter the first name of the student:
Enter the last name of the student:
Enter the id number of the student:
Enter the phone number of the student:
Enter the street Address of the student:
Enter the city of the student:
Enter the state of the student:
Enter the zip code :
Enter the major of the student:
Enter the advisor of the student:
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
Enter the student grades:
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
Student jugal kishor abc2334 has 89.0
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
Enter the first name of the Employee:
Enter the last name of the Employee:
Enter the id number of the Employee:
Enter the phone number of the Employee:
Enter the street Address of the Employee:
Enter the city of the Employee:
Enter the state of the Employee:
Enter the zip code :
Enter the deparment of the Employee:
Enter the supervisor of the Employee:
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
Enter the Employee's pay check:
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
Enter the Employee's pay check:
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
Employee jks kish er8807 has 82125.0
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit
   1) Add a Student
   2) Add a Student Grade
   3) View All Students
   4) Clear all Students
   5) Add an Employee
   6) Add an Employee Pay Amount
   7) View All Employees
   8) Clear All Employees
   9) Exit

Thanks a lot, Please let me know if you have any problem...........

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