
In: Computer Science

// the language is java, please implement the JOptionPane Use method overloading to code an operation...

// the language is java, please implement the JOptionPane

Use method overloading to code an operation class called CircularComputing in which there are 3 overloaded methods and an output method as follows: • computeObject(double radius) – compute the area of a circle • computeObject(double radius, double height) – compute area of a cylinder • computeObject(double radiusOutside, double radiusInside, double height) – compute the volume of a cylindrical object • output() use of JOptionPane to display instance field(s) and the result of the computing

Code a driver class called CircluarComputingApp to run and test CircularComputing by calling each of these overloaded methods with hard-coded data and display the data and the result of the calculation by calling output() method.  Must use required/meaningful names for fields, variables, methods and classes.  May define more data and code more methods necessary/needed for practice  Must document each of your source code


Expert Solution


import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class CircularComputing
String output;
JFrame f1;
Scanner sc;
f1=new JFrame();
sc=new Scanner(;
void computeObject(double radius)
output=output+"Radius : "+radius+"\n"+"Area of Circle: "+Math.PI*radius*radius+"\n";
void computeObject(double radius, double height)
output=output+"Radius : "+radius+"\n";
output=output+"Height: "+height+"\n";
output=output+"Area of Cylinder: "+Math.PI*radius*radius*height+"\n";
void computeObject(double radiusOutside, double radiusInside, double height)
output=output+"Outer Radius : "+radiusOutside+"\n";
output=output+"Inside Radius : "+radiusInside+"\n";
output=output+"Height: "+height+"\n";
output=output+"Volume of Cylinder : "+Math.PI*height*(radiusOutside*radiusOutside-radiusInside*radiusInside);
void output()
System.out.print("Enter a radius of a circle: ");
double rc=sc.nextDouble();


System.out.print("Enter a radius of a cylinder: ");
double rcy=sc.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter a height of a cylinder: ");
double hcy=sc.nextDouble();


System.out.print("Enter Outside radius of a cylinder: ");
double or=sc.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter Inside radius of cylinder: ");
double ir=sc.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter height of a cylinder: : ");
double h=sc.nextDouble();

class CircluarComputingApp
public static void main(String args[])
CircularComputing cc=new CircularComputing();


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