
In: Computer Science

Review the predictor variables and guess from their definition at what their role might be in...

Review the predictor variables and guess from their definition at what their role might be in a credit decision. Are there any surprises in the data?


Expert Solution

## Call:
## glm(formula = response ~ chk_acct + duration + credit_his + purpose +
## amount + saving_acct + installment_rate + sex + other_debtor +
## age + other_install + telephone + foreign, family = binomial,
## data = german_credit.train)
## Deviance Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -2.2263 -0.7082 -0.3799 0.6923 2.7670
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) 1.608e+00 8.251e-01 1.949 0.051344 .
## chk_acctA12 -3.628e-01 2.408e-01 -1.507 0.131894
## chk_acctA13 -9.224e-01 3.882e-01 -2.376 0.017499 *
## chk_acctA14 -1.942e+00 2.623e-01 -7.404 1.32e-13 *
## duration 2.516e-02 1.000e-02 2.516 0.011868 *
## credit_hisA31 -6.266e-01 6.195e-01 -1.012 0.311749
## credit_hisA32 -1.190e+00 4.761e-01 -2.500 0.012422 *
## credit_hisA33 -1.118e+00 5.413e-01 -2.065 0.038939 *
## credit_hisA34 -1.695e+00 5.007e-01 -3.386 0.000710 *
## purposeA41 -1.437e+00 4.026e-01 -3.568 0.000359 *
## purposeA410 -2.149e+00 9.172e-01 -2.343 0.019151 *
## purposeA42 -8.366e-01 2.850e-01 -2.936 0.003327 **
## purposeA43 -9.470e-01 2.748e-01 -3.447 0.000567 *
## purposeA44 -5.495e-01 7.469e-01 -0.736 0.461921
## purposeA45 -2.052e-01 6.364e-01 -0.322 0.747138
## purposeA46 2.944e-01 4.299e-01 0.685 0.493510
## purposeA48 -2.177e+00 1.216e+00 -1.790 0.073463 .
## purposeA49 -8.948e-01 3.800e-01 -2.355 0.018531 *
## amount 1.549e-04 4.937e-05 3.137 0.001704 **
## saving_acctA62 -5.153e-01 3.222e-01 -1.599 0.109744
## saving_acctA63 1.053e-01 4.023e-01 0.262 0.793550
## saving_acctA64 -8.765e-01 5.570e-01 -1.573 0.115607
## saving_acctA65 -1.057e+00 2.927e-01 -3.613 0.000303 *
## installment_rate 3.240e-01 9.618e-02 3.368 0.000756 *
## sexA92 1.701e-01 4.374e-01 0.389 0.697452
## sexA93 -4.627e-01 4.277e-01 -1.082 0.279346
## sexA94 -5.573e-02 5.127e-01 -0.109 0.913440
## other_debtorA102 6.377e-01 4.276e-01 1.491 0.135880
## other_debtorA103 -1.177e+00 4.610e-01 -2.553 0.010671 *
## age -1.534e-02 9.226e-03 -1.663 0.096272 .
## other_installA142 -4.377e-01 4.941e-01 -0.886 0.375685
## other_installA143 -8.460e-01 2.578e-01 -3.281 0.001033 **
## telephoneA192 -3.358e-01 2.062e-01 -1.629 0.103378
## foreignA202 -1.249e+00 6.531e-01 -1.912 0.055876 .
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '*' 0.001 '*' 0.01 '' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
## Null deviance: 977.38 on 799 degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 724.74 on 766 degrees of freedom
## AIC: 792.74
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5

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