
In: Accounting

Dr. Shikongo and Dr. Sauer were in a partnership and traded together for some time. On...

Dr. Shikongo and Dr. Sauer were in a partnership and traded together for some time. On 01 July

2016 Dr. Sauer decided to withdraw from the partnership to start her own practice. Their

abridged statement of financial position as at 30 June 2016 was:


Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE) 152,500.00 Capital: Dr. Shikongo 76,200.00

Accumulated depreciation:PPE (20,000.00) Capital: Dr. Sauer 65,200.00

Vehicles 65,000.00 Current account: Dr. Shikongo 21,750.00

Accumulated depreciation:Vehicle (25,000.00) Current account: Dr. Sauer 27,250.00

Trade receivable 27,600.00 Loan: Deutche Bank 31,000.00

Allowance for bad debts (3,500.00) Trade payable 17,500.00

Cash 42,300.00

238,900.00 238,900.00

Transactions for July 2016:

1. Trade receivable who owed N$ 20, 050.00 settled their accounts in full.

2. The trades payable were settled in full.

3. A vehicle was sold for N$ 19, 500.00 with a carrying value of N$ 25, 000.00.

4. A vehicle was sold for N$ 15, 000.00 with a carrying value of N$ 6, 000.00.

5. The loan from Deutche Bank was repaid in full.

6. The equipment was disposed of for N$ 50, 000.00

7. Land and building was sold by public auction for N$ 70, 000.00

You are required to:

1. Do the journal entries to record Dr. Sauers’ withdrawal from the partnership. ( 12


2. Prepare the following accounts to show the liquidation and dissolution of Dr. Shikongo

& Dr. Sauer Partnership:

a. Realisation account. ( 6 Marks)

b. Capital accounts of the partners (in a columnar form) in the general ledger. ( 8


3. Mention and discuss three factors that may lead to the dissolution of a partnership. ( 6



Property, Plant & Equipment (PPE) 152,500.00 Capital: Dr. Shikongo 76,200.00

Accumulated depreciation:PPE (20,000.00) Capital: Dr. Sauer 65,200.00

Vehicles 65,000.00 Current account: Dr. Shikongo 21,750.00

Accumulated depreciation:Vehicle (25,000.00) Current account: Dr. Sauer 27,250.00

Trade receivable 27,600.00 Loan: Deutche Bank 31,000.00

Allowance for bad debts (3,500.00) Trade payable 17,500.00

Cash 42,300.00

238,900.00 238,900.00


Expert Solution

Debit Credit
Cash account 20050
Realisation Account 11050
Allowance for bad debts 3500
Trade Receivable 27600
Trade Payables 17500
CAsh A/C 17500
CAsh A/C 19500
REalisation Account 5500
Vehicles 25000
CAsh A/C 15000
Realization Account 9000
Vehicles 6000
Loan dutch bank 31000
CAsh A/C 31000
CAsh A/C 50000
Equipment a/c 50000
CAsh A/C 70000
REalisation Account 12500
Land & plant and machinery 82500
Realisation Account 9000
Vehicles 9000
Shikongo Current a/c 21750
REalisation Account 21750
Sauer Current A/c 27250
REalisation Account 27250
rEalisation Account 26950
Shikongo Capital 50% 13475
Sauer Capital 50% 13475
Shikongo 89675
Sauer 78675
CAsh A/C 168350
realisation Account
trade receivables loss 11050
loss on sale of vehicles 5500
Profit on sale of second vehicle 9000
Loss on sale of P&m -12500
Vehicle closing balance 9000
SHIKONGO current capital -21750
Sauer Current A/c -27250
realisation Account total -26950
CAsh A/C
Cash 42300
Trade receivable realisation 20050
trade payable payment -17500
Sale of vehicle 19500
Sale of second vehicle 15000
Loan repayment -31000
Equipment disposed off 50000
Land & plant and machinery 70000
Cash account total 168350
Shikongo 76200
Realisation Account 13475
TOTAL 89675
Sauer 65200
Realisation Account 13475
TOTAL 78675

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