
In: Nursing

Topic COVID-19. 2 countries to compare: the USA and China. Write an essay in your own...

Topic COVID-19.

2 countries to compare: the USA and China.

Write an essay in your own words.

The essay should include:

  1. When was the first patient discovered in the two countries? What was the initial perception and reaction?
  2. How do people perceive face masks in the two countries? What are the cultural differences in wearing face masks and seeing people wearing masks?
  3. Where do people get their information regarding this pandemic? What’s the cultural difference in people’s views of experts?


Expert Solution

IT is a well known fact that this virus became deadly and pandemic. and it spread like anything , within each country and between countries , and continents . even this small creature has great impact on human lives . It is showing its power on earth , eventhough it is invicible to humans naked eyes. these virus already started war to humans with well preperations, but the humans , the ultimate control over earth are not even prepared or not even belived that these virus has this much potential and will attack humans like this.

yes , this is CORONA virus , the COIVID 19 (corona virus infected disesase 19). the deadly virus which was first identified from the great number 1 population country , china . A 55 year old from hubei province could have been first person to contract covid19 , on november 17 , 2019 . Emergence of this disease was earlier brought to the attention of government by one DR. ZHANG JIXIAN  from hubei provincial hospital of integrated chinese and western medicine . But authorities did not took necessary actions and the virus spread from person to person very fastly. hubei province was underlockdown since january 23 , total confirmed cases in hubei province was 67,786. chineese government didnt took necessary actions at the initial period of viral transmission, otherwise it wasnt be a pandemic

first case of covid 19 infection in USA reportes on january 19 , 2020 , 35 year old man with 4 day history of cough , fever , presented on snohomish country , waashington . he has history of travel from wuhan , china on january 15.. because of the alertness givern by the US centre for disease control and prevention , and typical symptoms and travel history , he decided to seek medical help.. patient was not having breathing difficulty , and vitals , blood examination , nasaopharynx swab examination were negetive for common pathogens like influenza and four common corona strains known to cause disease in humans ,on 2020 january 20 ,CDC confirmed that the paatient is infected with noval corona virus by reverse transcriptase PCR test.

chineese peoples and governments were encouraged peoples to wear masks actively . because droplest infection is the major route of spread . and keeping distance with peoples are also encouraged . this has reduced the case load . peoples are also willing to wear the masks , because they are not hesitated to put mask , they are almost alll people are alredy using these masks whenever they are going to streets or while driving even before the virus outbreaks. so it is not a new task and it was a routine for them.  In usa , most of the peoples are not wearing masks even before the development of infection , so to wear mask by all people was a new task for these peoples , so its effectivness was also less. most of them dont put masks, if maks are not weared , it will leads to increased spread of virus , because this virus will be seen in asymptomtic persons also. so they may not be having any symptoms , but they have virus , this virus will spread from person to erson very fastly and after around 2 wks only they show symptoms. at that times they may be transferd virus to so many other peoples also. In USA also people wearig mask are not supported by thier society , they used to look like a differnt way.

regarding the viral pandemeic, peoples are getting information through social media , internet , news paper , \elevision , radio , experiance of infection shared by those people affected by corona.

this virus orgin may have some links with culture of peoples. because chinnese peoples are using more wild animals for thier food like bats , snakes , dogs, rats , frogs ....... these animals normaly carrying several viruses and other bacterias .. , and they used to die when exposed to heat amd cooking. but if these meat were used without heatting or cooking , these virus will be alive ad can transfer to humans and will cause various diseases, and these virus will adapt various resistance like mutation to change their virulance,

to find out a specific cure is still on procees. if specific cure is not achievd , then prevention of getting dieseae is only one way , through usage of mask , stay home , keep social distance , freqeuntly wash hand with soap and water, avoid touching face ....

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