
In: Computer Science

C# language. Answer in a discussion format. What is a loop? When do you use a...

  • C# language. Answer in a discussion format.
  • What is a loop? When do you use a loop versus a selection statement? What are some examples when an infinite loop is appropriate?
  • Describe one of the following three types of loops supported in C#:
    • while loop
    • for loop
    • do loop (or do-while loop)
  • Describe the steps necessary to make a while loop end correctly:
  • Explain the difference between incrementing and decrementing loop control variables.
  • Explain the benefits of using both pretest loops and posttest loops.
  • What are some examples when an infinite loop is appropriate?


Expert Solution

1 ans: loops are used to iterate over the sequence of instructiosn

2 ans:loops are used iterate instructions more times but selection statements works only once


for(int i=1;i<=10;i++){



Here we get numbers 1 to 10 numbers

coming to selection statements

int num=4;






here output will be Even because 4%2==0 then to conditions checking we can use selection statements which runs only once if it present in the loop then it will run n number of times based on the outer loop

3 ans:

infinite loop



it can run infinite times

another one

int check=0;



it can also run infinite time

4 ans:

for loop

for(int i=0;i<10;i++){


here for loop can take three values first one where the value start from and second one is where the value is end and 3rd one is step if i++ which mean each time it increment by 1.for loop is used if we know terminal value

while loop

here if we don't know where to stop but it can be stop but some condition otherwise it will be infinite times

int i=0;




here intially i=0 then in while loop it checks 0<10 true then it wil go to inner the loop then i++ which increment by 1 then i is now 1 then again while checks 1<10 true then again goes until it fails the condition if i =10 then 10<10 which is not true then loop will break

do while loop

it was used for if we run the loop atleast once we can use do while loop

int i=0



5 ans:

increment or decrement will be based on the user

int i=10




it was the loop works based on the decrement until it reaches to zero

6 ans:

pretest loops are nothing but when enter into loop it must always check the condition which are for and while loop are the examples and posttest loop is nothing but do while loop without any conditon intially it runs then after it chakecs the condition

for loop is used if we know terminal or end position

and while loop is used if we want run n number of times until user enter valid data

do while loop is used for if we run some statement once then only loop will works

7 ans:

infinite loops are for it can run infinite times  







or while(1==1){


like we can do n number of ways to represent infinite loops

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