
In: Computer Science

Define a struct computerType to store the following data about a computer: Manufacturer (50 character string),...

Define a struct computerType to store the following data about a computer: Manufacturer (50 character string), model type (50 character string), processor type (10 character string), ram (int) in GB, hard drive size (int) in GB, year when the computer was built (int), and the price (double).

Write a program that declares a variable of type computerType, prompts the user to the input data for the struct, and then outputs all the computer's data from the struct.

For Example:

Enter the name of the manufacturer: Dell
Enter the model of the computer: Inspiron
Enter processor type: I7 387
Enter the size of RAM (in GB): 32
Enter the size of hard drive (in GB): 512
Enter the year the computer was built: 1990
Enter the price: 1345.67

Manufacturer: Dell
Model: Inspiron
Processor: I7 387
Ram: 32
Hard Drive Size: 512
Year Built: 1990
Price: $1345.67


Expert Solution

#include <stdio.h>

struct computerType {
    char manufacturer[50];
    char model[50];
    char processor[10];
    int ram;
    int hardDrive;
    int year;
    double price;

int main() {
    struct computerType ct;
    printf("Enter the name of the manufacturer: ");
    fgets(ct.manufacturer, 50, stdin);
    printf("Enter the model of the computer: ");
    fgets(ct.model, 50, stdin);
    printf("Enter processor type: ");
    fgets(ct.processor, 10, stdin);
    printf("Enter the size of RAM (in GB): ");
    scanf("%d", &(ct.ram));
    printf("Enter the size of hard drive (in GB): ");
    scanf("%d", &(ct.hardDrive));
    printf("Enter the year the computer was built: ");
    scanf("%d", &(ct.year));
    printf("Enter the price: ");
    scanf("%lf", &(ct.price));

    printf("Manufacturer: %s", ct.manufacturer);
    printf("Model: %s", ct.model);
    printf("Processor: %s", ct.processor);
    printf("Ram: %d\n", ct.ram);
    printf("Hard Drive Size: %d\n", ct.hardDrive);
    printf("Year Built: %d\n", ct.year);
    printf("Price: $%.2lf\n", ct.price);
    return 0;

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